Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary competitors battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier.
IT之家 2 月 1 日消息,游戏发行商艺电(Electronic Arts)在审查玩家反馈之后,近日宣布终止开发《Apex Legends Mobile》和《Battlefield Mobile》两款游戏。《Apex Legends Mobile》于 2022 年 5 月推出,EA 表示将于 2023 年 5 月 1 日终止运营。EA 表示自美国东部时间 1 月 31 日下午 1 点开始,将禁用...
Show 'em what you're made of in Apex Legends, a free-to-play hero shooter where contenders from across the Frontier team up to battle for glory, fame, and fortune. Play For Free* On PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PC via EA App, Steam ...
Show 'em what you're made of in Apex Legends, a free-to-play hero shooter where contenders from across the Frontier team up to battle for glory, fame, and fortune. Play For Free* On PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PC via EA App, Steam ...
Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
Summarize your bug EA app crashes every time Apex legends is trying to update. It happens on "calculation time" stage. I noticed that this happens because suddenly EA's Background Service starts trying to use all PC memory (12,000+ MB)How often does the bug occur?...
新年之际,给各位干员..新年之际,给各位干员们推荐一款游戏EA的《APEX LEGENDS》免费大逃杀游戏,特别有意思
用鼠标双击【Locale】 将【zh_TW】复制进输入框后按下键盘上的【Enter】 在EA Desktop App内用鼠标单击【游戏库】 用鼠标单击已安装下Apex Legends的图标右上角的【···】 弹出二级菜单用鼠标单击【修复】 等待修复完成 【zh_TW】为繁体中文 【zh_CN】为简体中文...
从技术上讲,Steam Deck只是一个便携式PC,所以如果你想在设备上安装Windows并以这种方式玩《Apex Legends》,你仍然可以这样做。但如果你更喜欢使用掌机的官方linux操作系统,你将不得不寻找其他方法来修复你的FPS。 EA并不是唯一一个因为反作弊问题而决定不支持Linux或Steam Deck的公司。正如The Verge所指出的那样,《...
Apex英雄手机版终于上线了!今天推荐由ELECTRONIC ARTS(EA)推出的以Apex英雄世界为背景的大型战略大逃杀射击游戏《Apex Legends Mobile》(Apex英雄移动版)。玩家在游戏中与其他2个好友联手组成小队,与敌人展开激烈对抗,通过协同作战争夺冠军宝座,成为Apex中的传奇英雄。游戏亮点 《Apex Legends Mobile》基于PC版的大逃杀...