First,check your account connectionsto see if your Steam account is linked to your EA Account. If they’re not, follow our steps tounlink your accountand thenrelink the correct one. Once you’ve logged in with the EA Account that’s linked to Apex Legends, you should see your progress....
If we unlink a platform account you use to play Apex Legends, you may have issues with Battle Pass leveling, item unlocks, and other errors.Once you unlink a platform account from your EA Account and link it to another, you won’t be able to unlink it again for six months. You also...
First,check your account connectionsto see if your Steam account is linked to your EA Account. If they’re not, follow our steps tounlink your accountand thenrelink the correct one. Once you’ve logged in with the EA Account that’s linked to Apex Legends, you should see your progress....
按照ea官方规定,一个橘子账号只能绑定一个steam账号,即使你解绑了steam,等待6个月后依然不能绑定其它steam,只能绑定之前绑定过的steam。但是现在规则改了,一年可以换绑一次steam,需要的小伙伴dd哈莉我就行了。 同样,大家千万不要轻易的把邮箱账号和密码之类的于橘子相关的资料泄露出去,就像淘宝一样,泄露客户信息,黑号...
1. log in using your steam account. 2. Go to account setting and go to connection. 3. Click Unlink next to you steam account 4. Launch Game again now it should give you a prompt. Enjoy, P.S. the chat support is not helpful and contacting them is absolutely a waste of time...
I downloaded Apex Legends from Steam. I want to log out of my EA account there. Can I log out? How can I do it if I can? discussion Like 0 Reply EA_QueenBee2 years ago Hey @Cinarhacker,We have an article here that explains how you can unlink your Steam account:https://help.ea...
waiting!My intention is not to keep you from something that you can have, but as I have fetched your account and as my security team have validated your account details seems like we’re unable to unlink your Steam account at this time as there are specific Apex Legends in your account....
First,check your account connectionsto see if your Steam account is linked to your EA Account. If they’re not, follow our steps tounlink your accountand thenrelink the correct one. Once you’ve logged in with the EA Account that’s linked to Apex Legends, you should see your progress....
First,check your account connectionsto see if your Steam account is linked to your EA Account. If they’re not, follow our steps tounlink your accountand thenrelink the correct one. Once you’ve logged in with the EA Account that’s linked to Apex Legends, you should see your progress....
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Unlink unknown ea account from steam","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11969956"},"id":"message:11969956","revisionNum":2,"uid":11969956,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:apex-legends-general-discussion-en"},"author...