OK so i'm happy to report that my game is playable at this point in time: the freezing still happens however the game recovers after 6-7 seconds and... - 5286600
"Unable to connect to EA servers in apex legends.","id":"message:5740887","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:2146580"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:apex-legends-technical-issues-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"...
使用雷神加速器玩AP..上周四玩apex突然显示被banned了(KDA0.5,没开过挂,自瞄或者加速),能登录,但是一连进去游戏就退出,找客服申诉,回复了邮件说作弊被永封,违反了以下条例:• 使用干扰或破坏 EA 服务或其
Unable to connect [code:clock] Description Apex Legends servers have stopped waiting for you to connect to them. Solution Check theApex Legends server statusto see if Apex Legends is down. Check@PlayApexand@EAHelpfor any reported issues. ...
Cheating in Apex Legends puts your account at risk. Here’s what we mean by cheating and how to contact us if you think we made a mistake. Rules in Apex Legends Read Section 6 of the EA User Agreement to learn more about our complete rules of conduct. Check out our Positive Play ...
What Causes the “Unable to Connect to EA Servers” Error in Apex Legends? There are a few potential reasons whyPS4 Apex Legendscan’t connect to EA’s servers: EA Server Outages– The EA servers that run Apex Legends go down occasionally for maintenance. Check EA’sserver status pageto ...
Apex Legends' Unable to connect to EA servers error tends to pop up every now and then. While there doesn't seem to be a guaranteed permanent fix for it, we do have a handful of tips that could help you get past it. Read on below to find out why it occurs and how you could fix...
Apex Legends Servers Down You may get a message at the home screen, where is simply says, “Unable to connect to EA Servers.” If you are able to get into the lobby and try to ready up, it will not get you into the match and you will keep seeing the “Matchmaking…” and “Start...
6. Once verified, navigate back to My collection. 7. Choose Apex Legends and click on the three dots. 8. Click the Repair option. Check if this fixes Apex game security violation detected error or not. Also Read: Fix Apex Legends Unable to Connect to EA Servers Method 3: Repair Apex...