移动是《Apex Legends》的关键,尽早考虑变更控制器布局,对玩家来说会更有利。一项常见设置便是“Button Puncher”控制器配置,可以变更蹲下和近战。玩家现在可以通过点击右模拟操作杆闪避和滑行,这表示移动时您不需要将大拇指从方向控制键上挪开。 跳进竞技场 ...
7,别忘了可以复活 如果玩家在游戏中被击杀,这并不意味着你的本局游戏结束了,《Apex Legends》拥有一个非常特别的复活机制,当玩家被击杀后,队友有90秒的时间获得尸体上死亡队友的旗帜,获得队友的旗帜后,你可以在地图上的多个复活点让你的队友回归战局,被复活的队友将会被空投至复活点,但他们将不会拥有死前获得...
Apex Legends Tips To test your aim benchmark and your performance against other players Practice There is no trick better than practice, practice and practice. Not only does frequent practice trains your muscle memory but it also improves your reaction speed. Aiming To acquire targets as ...
There are a lot of things to consider when wanting to advance your skill level in Apex Legends. If you’re just starting out, you’re going to be starting with these basics. And while the tips below may seem obvious, it’s well worth your time to understand and grasp the concepts to ...
游戏出色的优化、成熟的游戏模式、创新的游戏元素、各种便利的设计获得了大量玩家的喜爱。大量玩家的涌入,肯定都对《Apex Legends》中的一些知识不太熟悉。近日官方为玩家们整理了入坑必须要知道的知识和指南,方便玩家使用! 以下是《Apex Lgends》种需要知道的7个小Tips:...
APEX LEGENDS 练了一个月枪法 I used an Aim Trainer for a month. Kovaak 纪录片小角落 4662 1 12:17 SHROUD 我玩的最好的一局APEX LEGENDS游戏 MY BEST APEX LEGENDS GAME 纪录片小角落 68 0 18:19 APEX Legends怎么做一个好玩家 How to Become a BETTER PLAYER!! (Apex Legends PS4) 纪录片...
InApex Legendsranked you’re always going to be looking at that RP counter up in the corner. Waiting for it to tick into the positive and just like in Rookie, so long as you hit 13th place, you’ll get something. But you do not want to rank up just by surviving, because it’s ...
Du willst in Apex Legends™ besser werden? Nutze unsere Tipps, um besser zu spielen und die besten Einstellungen zu wählen.
The latest battle royale game to take the world by storm is Respawn's Apex Legends, and this is how you can dominate in your early matches.
PRO TIPSShare Are you looking to take your gameplay beyond beginner or climb the ranked ladder in Apex Legends? Look no further than here for some pro tips for Apex Legends from SCUF and Jankz. Jankz has been a devout controller player of Apex Legends on PC, often showing mouse and ...