That being said, reach us in the comments if our methods worked or if you need more advice for fixing the Apex Legends crash without error.
Using Steam - DX12 Beta. So, while we are still working on this scenario, we just wanted to confirm if you already tried the troubleshooting steps shown in the following link:
游戏问题解决!..度娘再次吞我帖子Apex Legends是沿用《泰坦》(Titanfall)世界观设定,由艺电发行的免费大逃杀类多人在线角色扮演第一人称射击游戏。游戏发行三天累计人数破千万无奈游戏发行在令人诟病的烂橘
Trouble with your connectivity? Having a performance issue? Issue with a crash, freeze, or error? Join the Apex Legends community to discuss
Apex Legends is a well-optimized game but PC players are still reporting errors and issues with it like Engine Error CreateTexture2D, CPU Does Not Have POPCNT, crash at startup, Steam Overlay Error, CSOM_MilesAsync_OpenOrfindFile Error, Application Load Error, and more. ...
After disabling these settings, play the game for a while. If the error stops occurring, these settings are the cause of the issue. But if the game continues to crash, move on to the next solution below. 4. Disable Overlays While playing Apex Legends, you should not have any programs ru...
I simply quit the game after it started up. Then I started the Origin version up ... and it worked too. I guess there was some error in the process between the EasyAntiCheat and the r5Apex.exe that didn't go through on the Origin version, so once it went through on the Steam ...
1、从本页面搜索steam_api64.dll文件,下载并拷贝到指定目录。一般是system系统目录或放到软件同级目录里。确保对 32 位程序使用 32 位 DLL,对 64 位程序使用 64 位 DLL。否则可能会导致 0xc000007b 错误。 1.1)如果是操作系统的dll文件,需要检查下载的dll文件版本和系统版本是否匹配,如: ...
第一步,用浏览器打开steam官网:,然后点登陆,输入账号密码登录;如下图: 第二步,登录成功之后,在网站导航的搜索框搜“Apex Legends”,在搜索结果列表打开“Apex Legends”;如下图所示: 第三步,在Apex Legends游戏介绍页,按键盘的“F12”键,然后在右侧打开的界面找到“控制台”,然...
couple of seasons back I was normally playing Apex Legends via Steam in DX12 mode (launch option: -eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12.json). I took a hiatus for some time and tried to play now in Season 18, only to find out that the game does not start anymore. The hardware is the ...