Check your Apex Stats in Leaderboard with our Apex Legends Tracker. We collect detailed Apex Legends Stats every day. Follow your rank in Leaderboards ranking for Apex Legends game now!
Check your Apex Stats in Leaderboard with our Apex Legends Tracker. We collect detailed Apex Legends Stats every day. Follow your rank in Leaderboards ranking for Apex Legends game now!
Nintendo Switch users, you are now able to see your stats. However, as we can't search your name, search for your club and click on your name in the"Clubs stats" (or by clicking here)tab. If you are not already in a club, create one for yourself in game. It is then recommended...
Adéntrate en la revolución de los Battle Royale con Apex Legends para Xbox. Supera a tus oponentes con las habilidades exclusivas de cada personaje y un intenso juego táctico en equipo.
Apex-Legends-Stats-TrackerIK**nd 上传7.83 MB 文件格式 zip A web application that tracks the stats of Apex Legends players on the origin, psn and xbox platforms. Made using Vue.js and Express.js. 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
Don’t forget to check out new legends with their lores and perks on our Legends tab. Get notified when new Legends become available in TraX! KEY FEATURES + Player Search (PC / XBOX / PSN) + Global Ranking + Overall Player Stats
Tracker for Apex Legends gives you the most updated information available by giving you a global rank of where you stand among all players. We also give you you…
在免費遊玩的大逃殺射擊遊戲 Apex Legends 中展現你的本事,遊戲裡不合群、被放逐的人和騙子在邊境上取得名聲與財富。選擇你的英雄、組隊,一路拼到頂點。 Xbox One X 強化版:Xbox One X 的強化功能是依據內容更新發布而定。如需遊戲資訊,請造訪。 其他資訊 分級評定中 可能含有兒童不宜的內容...
在免費暢玩的大逃殺射擊遊戲 Apex Legends 中展現你的本事,遊戲裡不合群、被放逐的人和騙子在邊境上取得名聲與財富。選擇你的英雄、組隊,一路拼到頂點。 Xbox One X 強化版:Xbox One X 的增強功能取決於內容更新發布而定。如需遊戲資訊,請造訪。 其他資訊 尚未評級 可能包含不適合兒童的內容...
See player statistics tracker in Apex Legends on PC (Steam and Origin), Xbox, Playstation, Steam and Nintendo Switch.