现在再次尝试启动Apex legends如果该方法没有解决此问题。可能是您的电脑感染了病毒因此,您可以使用反病毒工具Malwarebytes来进行扫描。https://www.malwarebytes.com/当您完成扫描后请启动Ccleaner并运行注册表清理程序。https://www.ccleaner.com/确保您完成了引导步骤并且保存了注册表,请务必再三确认。当此步骤完成后...
Die Entwickler haben die Server heruntergefahren, um an dem Problem zu arbeiten, dass das Level der Spieler wieder auf 0 zurückgesetzt hat. Wann alles wieder ohne Fehler läuft, wird auf Twitter/Reddit bekanntgegeben: Hier ist der Twitter Account von Apex ...
Respawn封杀作..Respawn Entertainment继封杀排名第一的玩家之后,又对《Apex Legends》的作弊者发出了禁令,但主机玩家仍然怀疑禁令只针对PC玩家,让他们的平台远远落在后面。
I'm elso getting "server terminated" only on olympus. Olmypus is broken for everyone. Even pros are aware: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1641420256064446466 I wonder, how much time will this take to get fixed? Can we get rid of it until fixed? x.com twitter.com/i/web/status/164...
不久前 Apex Legends 官方在 twitter 上发布的一段视频,与最近一次游戏更新之后出现的飞龙有关。 * 警告!发现未经授权的入侵者 http://t.cn/AiNduo8L
「エーペックスレジェンズ」の公式Twitterアカウント、Answers HQ、EAヘルプのTwitterページをチェックして、他のプレイヤーで同様の現象が発生していないかをお確かめください。問題がインターネット接続に関するものであれば「インターネット接続に関するトラブルシューティング」やその他の...
Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play battle royale shooter where legendary characters with powerful abilities team up to battle for fame and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Master an ever-growing roster of diverse Legends, deep
Apex Legends isfree to play. That means you just need to find the game on the platform you want, download it, and start playing! After you’ve downloaded the game, don’t forget tolink your EA Accountif you haven’t already and get tips onhow to play Apex Legends as a beginner. ...
View Apex Legends User Stats, Map Rotation, Server Status, Legend Information, and Recent Blog Posts. View Add Bot Upvote QuarkBump 0 Social Utility The one and only bot to help you grow your server. With just 2 simple commands, your server will be flooding with members! View Add Bot...
This happened to me AFTER I changed my password. Someone else in an unofficial discord server had this EXCAT same issue. OldTreeCreeper Hero+ 3 years ago @E1i6a8 Are you able to again try to reset the password on the related EA account?