Apex Legends Game stats Currently tracking 28,177,126 players (▲ 32,909) Legend popularityLifeline13%▲3.66‰ Loba5.7%▲4.44‰ Bangalore5.6%▼-3.26‰ Octane4%▲1.65‰ Pathfinder3.9%▲3.2‰ Wraith3.3%▲1.13‰ Mirage3.3%▲0.69‰ Fuse2.5%▲1.75‰ Horizon2.3%▲0.34‰ Bloodhound2.2...
See what you missed in each Apex Legends Season, and check the start and end dates of each Season. The Preseason Dates: February 4, 2019–March 19, 2019. Weapon: HAVOC Rifle. Wild Frontier (Season 1) Dates: March 19, 2019–June 18, 2019. Legend: Octane. New content: Battle Pass. ...
He’s Apex Legends’ most sinister – and perhaps most reinvented Legend. Originally nowhere near this tier, Revenant has seen a rework in Season 18 in the form of Revenant Reborn and he is a great option now with his rebuilt kit. isn’t the worst legend out there and you might find y...
In addition to cosmetic legend and weapon skins, holosprays,stickers, voice quips, music packs, skydive emotes, regular emotes, banner frames, and Season 18 kill count and win count stat trackers for all legends, the Resurrection battle pass also includes other useful goodies, like...
A Season is a predetermined period of time in Apex Legends where a new set of content is released. Seasons typically last for three months. Each Season comes with major balance changes, a new Battle Pass, typically a new Legend and sometimes a new weapon
Season 1 and Season 2 Legends without Legend perks. Lifeline revived Lifeline’s got new skills to bring to the Ring, with updated Tactical, Passive, and Ultimate abilities. Updated Tactical: D.O.C Heal Drone. Call your Drone of Compassion (D.O.C) to follow you or an ally, providing...
The Death Dynasty Collection Event launches with Season 18: Resurrection forApex Legends. This Collection Event is an entirely recolored one, with a new look for Revenant’s Heirloom Scythe and the weapon and Legend skins. Death’s Dynasty Collection Event will run from August 8th until August ...
Stat Trackers are cosmetic counters tracking miscellaneous statistics for your legends. Each legend may equip three on their banners. Stat Trackers can be acquired from Apex Packs, using Crafting Metals, from Battle Passes, from Events and occasionally f
长文:从游戏体验的角度解析Apex Legends的盈利设计 原作者:Roman Szomolai 译者:Willow Wu 引言 Apex Legends(下文简称Apex)的盈利机制最近引起了我的注意,更具点说就是两个关键应用:个性化装扮和创造需求。这是一款F2P游戏,所以重点就在于它如何获取用户、留住用户,最后从他们那里盈利。由此我坚信游戏一定有部分是为...
Controller Legends + Support Legends + Who’s the newest Apex Legend? Alter is the newest Legend. She’s a Skirmisher Legend. Alter was released in Season 21. Alter’s abilities Passive ability: Gift from the Rift. See death boxes through walls and take an item from them. ...