Ranked distribution statistics Options: View by % - View by total players in the ALS database - Toggle chart labels Pick an other season/split Classic Battle Royale (RP) Percentage of players in each rank (Battle Royale) in the apexlegendsstatus.com database, current split Bar chart with ...
What are the Apex Legends ranks? Rookie Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master Once you’re Master rank, you can earn the title of Apex Predator. Apex Predators are the top 750 players per platform in the Master rank. Where you place at the end of a Season affects the tier and divis...
Apex Legends Game Info Hub Stay updated with the latest Apex Legends news, dev blogs and patch notes. Apex Legends Feedback Give feedback about the Legends, maps, weapons, loot and more in the Apex Legends community forums. Apex Legends Technical Issues ...
According to Apex Legends Status, this is the current rank distribution during Season 19: Rank Distribution Rookie IV 10% Rookie III 10.2% Rookie II 9.1% Rookie I 10% Bronze IV 6% Bronze III 7.3% Bronze II 7.3% Bronze I 12.3% Silver IV 4.3% Silver III 4.7% Silver II 4.3% Silver I...
Related:Apex Legends faces critical season 18 as Twitch viewership drops drastically An alternative fire might also be added in the reworked version of the Charge Rifle, hinted with a “new trigger activation switch.” It’s still unclear what’s coming toApexwith season 18 onAug....
Screenshot via Apex Legends Status RankPercentageRankPercentageRankPercentage Rookie IV 6.8 percent Silver IV 2.7 percent Platinum IV 10.6 percent Rookie III 1.2 percent Silver III 3.7 percent Platinum III 8.7 percent Rookie II 1.1 percent Silver II 3.4 percent Platinum II 6.7 percent Rookie I 1.0 ...
The basic imbalance of this idea would lead me to believe it's a non-starter. And yet people queue up into ranked where it now shows you the rank distribution of the lobby. And the two silver players, in a lobby with two predator stacks and even more masters and diamonds...
A recent update to Apex Legends has been causing some havoc on Linux / Steam Deck, but now Valve have released a fresh update to Proton Hotfix to get it working again. Before the Proton Hotfix update you were likely to see a black screen, with no ability to actually get to ...
DreamFire Apex Legends ► Detailed information about DF Apex esports team stats - top tournaments and matches, viewership stats, and more
Apex Legends players have hit breaking point over age-old issues that have reached the point where they make the battle royale 'unplayable.'