Stelle sicher, dass du in das richtige EA-Konto eingeloggt bist. Im BereichÜber michin den Kontoeinstellungen siehst du, bei welchem EA-Konto du angemeldet bist. Überprüfe denServerstatusvon Apex Legends und deiner Plattform. Erhaltene Objekt werden möglicherweise erst agenzeigt, wen...
Comprueba que has iniciado sesión en la cuenta de EA correcta. Puedes ver en qué Cuenta EA has iniciado sesión en la secciónAcerca de míde la configuración de la cuenta. Comprueba elestado del servidorde Apex Legends y de tu plataforma. Es posible que el objeto que hayas ganado no s...
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Descoperă cele mai recente actualizări din Apex Legends, inclusiv noi Sezoane, evenimente și altele.
Apex Legends Mobile testing is in full swing and owing to this players can unlock all Legends in-game fairly easily.
….Now, ten years later, Caiden and the Azura are legends, a one man, one ship, and one young Nophek crew doing good across the multiverse, staying ahead of the forces of Unity led by Abriss Centre, and dreading what will happen if her equally dangerous brother escapes his imprisonment....
Apex Legends Looking for the Apex Revenant release date? Here’s when you’ll get to play Apex Legend’s mysterious new character. The game is about to enter its fourth season, and developer Respawn revealed the new character, Forge – and murdered him just a few days later. Forge’s ...
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Leggiquesto articoloper assicurarti di giocare ad Apex Legends secondo le regole. Se pensi che qualcuno stia infrangendo le regole, scopri comesegnalare altri utenti. Anchoring Quando tu o la tua squadra difendete uno specifico punto della mappa. È possibile chiedere a un utente di difendere...
Hai perso qualcos'altro in Apex Legends? Prova i nostri passaggi per la risoluzione dei seguenti problemi: regali mancanti monete Apex mancanti Twitch Drop mancanti ricompense Prime Gaming mancanti pack, oggetti e leggende mancanti