在高级启动项下的文本框中添加:-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12.json 点击保存后正常启动游戏 2、Steam平台 进入游戏库,右键点击Apex Legends,选择属性 在启动项中输入:-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12.json 关闭属性窗口,正常启动游戏 3、origin平台 进入游戏库,右键点击Apex Legends->游戏属性->高级启动选项...
apex legen..这属于没链接到origin服务器,加速器关掉,win➕R 然后输入%appdata% 把origin里面文件删除掉 然后切换到appdata文件夹 点击local 点击origin 清理掉所有内容
Get current server status for Apex Legends, Origin and EA worldwide on PC, PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Updated every minutes, graphs, heatmap... everything you need to know if Apex, Origin or EA is down !
Origin game launcher is experiencing issues Game files are corrupted– Apex Legends is an approximately 26 GB game. Even a single Kilobyte of missing or corrupted data files can cause crashes anderrors in the game. Now we will proceed towards the methods to solve the engine error code 0x887a...
steam端转origin端:首先从steam找到Apex的本地文件。2.找到installscript.vdf文件剪切到Apex legends文件之外的地方。3.将steam端的游戏文件改名,改为Apex。4.在origin端,打开Apex寻找游戏,找到第三步改好名的Apex文件并选择。5.oring端点击游玩开始解析游戏,解析结束,Apex就从steam到origin了。二、oring端转steam端:...
由EA 与《Titanfall》开发工作室Respawn 在今(5)日大年初一释出新作《APEX Legends》,主打全平台免费与组队制玩法的大逃杀新作,玩家可在PS4、Xbox One 、PC Origin 平台上免费下载游戏。 《APEX Legends》是一款建立在《Titanfall》世界观背景的大逃杀游戏,本作特色是没有单人、双排或四排,而是只有「三排」的3人...
EasyAntiCheat_launcher.exeEasyAntiCheat_x64.dll然后定位到:C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\__Installer\customcomponent删除以下文件:EasyAntiCheat然后重启Origin,前往游戏库,选中Apex英雄。设置—游戏属性并选择修复游戏。【鸣谢: Zeelmaekers & The_Tibber & EraVentura】 17楼2021-07-19 21:36 ...
Apex Legendsis about teamwork in battle.If you want to squad up with friends then: They will have to install the Origin Launcher and game. They will need to create an account. If you’ve got a Steam account and an active friends list on there, find the “Link Steam Account” button....
预览 [求助] 打开游戏后eac读条完毕自动跳回origin页面,游戏打不开 ssorccross 2019-3-2 05:11 310247 ssorccross 2019-3-5 04:56 预览 [攻略] 1元领取TWICH礼包全攻略---图文傻瓜式教程 carljay 2019-2-24 21:48 137781 sb663539 2019-3-4 21:47 预览 [讨论] 今天惊奇的发现,居然有在游戏里面...
大佬们新手入坑请教一..之前用的steam下载的apex 文件夹名字叫做apex legends 然后后面想着淘宝代充(不过好像看吧里说号会寄..有点尬住)得登录origin 但是上了origin又寻找不到游戏查了一下好像是