查看您的平台上常見的進度缺失原因,以及如何在遊戲中恢復進度。 如何檢視您的《Apex 英雄》進度 您的《Apex英雄》進度綁定至您的 EA 帳號。無法將其移至其他 EA 帳號。 若要查看您的進度,請確保您已登入建立《Apex 英雄》帳號時使用的 EA 帳號,並且您的平台已連結至相同的 EA 帳號。 請按照以下特定於平台的步...
如果你最近刚开始在 Steam 上游玩《Apex Legends》并发现进度缺失或处于 1 级,则你的 Steam 账户可能未与你的 EA 账户绑定,或者可能绑定到错误的 EA 账户。 首先,检查你的账户连接,看看你的 Steam 账户是否与你的 EA 账户绑定。如果不是,请按照我们的步骤解绑账户,然后重新绑定正确的账户。 使用与《Apex Legen...
删除后运行文件夹下的EA.game.regfix.exe,会帮你安装游戏,如果安装不成功请用管理员权限运行。提示安装成功后直接点r5apex.exe,登录橘子就可以进行游戏,此时Apex已经完全转换为橘子版本。橘子转steam端大同小异,首先保证steam端已经入库,并且没有安装,入库方法72期有讲。然后在steam游戏存储目录下新建Apex legends文件...
Except for Apex Legends, Apex is literally unplayable. For starters, I have to use notepad to edit my videoconfig.txt settings and disable fullscreen and enable noborderwindow in the Apex folder located under USERS, that's just to get the game to launch at all. (If I don't...
Apex Legends下载栏目提供了最全的Apex Legends版本内容,喜欢这款游戏的玩家,可以下载最新的官方版本,还能够找到相同类型的游戏,保证每一位来到这里的玩家都能够找到感兴趣的游戏版本。更新时间:2025-01-11Apex Legends版本大全 Apex Legends相关游戏 精英狙击手射击 安卓版 飞行射击|90.26MB 僵尸太空射击2 安卓版 ...
[SOLVED] Apex Legends Infinite Loading Screen (3 Easy Fixes!) [SOLVED] Apex Legends Blurry Issue – Quickly & Easily! Fix #2: Repair Game Files Sometimes, the game may not have been properly installed. Or, the game files may have become corrupted for whatever reason. Thankfully, Origin ha...
I'm getting the exact same issue. Usually only happens when loading into a game but recently it's started happening mid game and has already caused me multiple loses. And as others have stated already it doesn't artifact all the time but every now and then it'll act out like what you...