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Apex Legends Mobile Unavailable Region Issue Resolved: Download and Install Tutorial Apex Legends is FINALLY coming!! Now thi…KEEP READING… NoxPlayer Download Free NoxPlayer The Best Android Emulator on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP and Mac Sierra 10.12/10.11... ...
这些有问题的APK档案并没有在Google Play上架,反而是通过其他方式来下载,玩家只要在Google 搜索引擎输入“download apex legends android”或是“apex legends mobile download”等相关字眼,便能找到《Apex英雄》Beta测试版的APK档案。 ▲假的《Apex英雄》手机版影片,在短短数天之内便达成了60万次的浏览纪录。
search for “download apex legends android” or “apex legends mobile download” will serve up links to sites offering APK files (the package format for Android apps) supposedly containing an installer for the game. The file name is usually convincing: ApexLegends.apk or apex.legendsmob.apk. ...
这些有问题的APK档案并没有在Google Play上架,反而是通过其他方式来下载,玩家只要在Google 搜索引擎输入“download apex legends android”或是“apex legends mobile download”等相关字眼,便能找到《Apex英雄》Beta测试版的APK档案。 假的《Apex英雄》手机版影片,在短短数天之内便达成了60万次的浏览纪录。
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Apex Legends is EA's answer to Fortnite and PUBG. It has seen its fair share of popularity of late, clocking in around 50 million users in its first month. And it appears that a number of its users are in India. According to sources in the supply chain speaking to Gadgets 360, Apex...