Apex Legendshas just startedSeason 3: Meltdown, which takes players to a new map named World’s Edge. It features fire and ice elements, a moving train, and a geyser that shoots players into the air. The new season also introduces a new battle pass that offers new skins and rewards, a...
ve seen a few events during the season. From theDeath Dynasty eventto the soon-to-begin HalloweenDoppelganger event, it’s been a busy season. This next collection event will be called Death’s Dynasty, and offer players a chance at unlocking another host of new skins for Legends and ...
dataminers, the battle royale is gearing up to host a Beast of Prey Collection Event that holds brand new skins, another heirloom, and a game mode that has only ever been in the mobile version. Here is everything we know about the potential Beast of Prey Collection Event in Apex Leg...