But now when I'm opening the game it says "failed to create game window resolution (1280x1080) unsupported?". I looked up online for some solutions and had to change the resolution in videoconfig.txt file. But after doing this my game is running on almost 1 fps. And I ...
这个时候是配置文件是默认的0x000000000,双击将值改为泰坦陨落的配置文件0x020000F5然后右上角点app 分享197 apex英雄吧 wdsj试试 apex更新后出现问题failed to creategamewindow.resolution(1280*720)unsupported 分享76 apex英雄吧 贴吧用户_GU1G954 求助这种情况要怎么解决啊本人gtx 1660s显卡,打apex二十分钟左右...
继续下载游戏(origin客户端会自动校验) 7.over 分享43 apex英雄吧 asfSADGfs945 为啥出现这个打不开呀,有没有大佬交下解决方法Failed to Create GameWindow.Resolution(1280×800)unspported Apex英雄,为啥出现这个打不开呀,有没有大佬交下解决方法 分享22 apex英雄吧 贴吧用户_GPe7X8b 我的Steam打不开Apex了,...
请退回 Apex legends 游戏报错:engine errot 该问题是由于显卡驱动不兼容造成的,请更新或退回您的显卡驱动为417版本即可解决该问题 Apex legends 游戏读取进度条界面闪退的5种解决方法: 1.使用管理员权限运行Orijin平台 2.进入您的Apex legends游戏跟目录,找到EasyAntiCheat_launcher.exe文件(通常该文件的图标为一只...
failed to creategamewindow.resolution (1280×720)unsupported apex无法创建游戏窗口。分辨率(1280x720)不受支持 求大佬们怎么解决 来自apex英雄吧 先科数码工厂店 炑涟◆洬04-26 93 《Apex英雄》Origin综合问题解法大全 由于《Apex英雄》是EA负责发行的,所以想玩《Apex英雄》就绕不开EA的烂橘子,但是Origin问题多...
I'm stuck on a screen that says "Apex Legends requires an EA account to play. Click here to log in or create an account." The play button on the Apex launcher is replaced with a button that says, "register." When I click on the button, it opens a pop up that give...
failed to creategamewindow.resolution (1280×720)unsupported apex无法创建游戏窗口。分辨率(1280x720)不受支持 求大佬们怎么解决 来自apex英雄吧 先科数码工厂店 炑涟◆洬04-26 34 【求助】Apex 闪退问题 打完几把之后就迷之闪退,然后再打开就只到显示ea之后就闪退了,这可咋整 来自origin吧 谷真理佳😘...
6] Apex Legends Error Code: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG comes with the following error message. DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG The applications device failed due to badly formed commands snt by the application. This is an design-time issue that should be investigated and fixed. ...
Apex Legends Engine Error The error code most commonly associated with the Engine Error is “0x887A0006 –“DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG,”but this error can come with many different codes, such as the ones we’ve listed below: CreateTexture2D Failed to create texture ...
Before starting the game, ensure that you have selected either the IKEV2 or WireGuard Protocol in the Windscribe VPN application. Launch Apex Legends, Enjoy :D Surprisingly, using a VPN seems to fix the crashes. While the exact reason is unclear, this serves as a temporary solutio...