第1步:请登录您的Steam帐户。 第2步:通过单击Play从Steam发动Apex Legends EA游戏。 第3步:如果尚未在设备上安装Origin,请进行安装。 第3步:Origin将启动,并要求您关联Steam帐户和EA帐户。 第5步:使用您的EA帐户信息登录到Origin或创建一个新的EA帐户。 第6步:Steam将安装您的游戏,并在准备好玩时通知您。 (...
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由Respawn Entertainment开发制作,屡获殊荣的《Apex Legends》,是一款免费大逃杀英雄射击游戏。在这款革命性的新一代大逃杀英雄射击游戏中,掌控日益丰富且拥有强大技能的传奇角色,深度体验战术小队玩法及创新游戏元素。
接着,在Steam商店页面的搜索栏中输入"Apex Legends",按下回车键或点击搜索按钮。 在搜索结果中找到游戏并进入游戏页面,点击"Play Game"按钮,按照提示下载并安装游戏。 安装完成后,启动Apex Legends游戏。在游戏启动时,您将被要求创建或登录账号。如果您还没有EA账号,点击"Create an Account"来注册一个新的EA账号。
I'm stuck on a screen that says "Apex Legends requires an EA account to play. Click here to log in or create an account." The play button on the Apex launcher is replaced with a button that says, "register." When I click on the button, it opens a pop up that give...
Show 'em what you're made of in Apex Legends, a free-to-play hero shooter where contenders from across the Frontier team up to battle for glory, fame, and fortune. Play For Free* On PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PC via EA App, Steam ...
现在雷神加速器有个steam一键入库,但是要如何关联EA APP?要怎样不用重复下载?我想知道,或者给我推个视频链接啥的呗(你给的链接最好是在不卸载APEX的情况下进行关联)。 Bones 雷神 必剪创作 游戏 网络游戏 steam 十一创作大挑战 EA APP apex 水涟柔绡发消息 ...
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary competitors battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier.
Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards In-App Purchases Full Controller Support Xbox Controllers DualShock Controllers (USB Only) DualSense Controllers Requires 3rd-Party Account: EA Account (Supports Linking to Steam Account) Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA Apex Legends EULA Languages: Interf...
Apex Legends Official Apex Legends Website 關注 92,066 關注者 精選清單瀏覽關於 Pick your character. Round up your squad. Show everyone what Legends are made of. 暢銷商品新推出即將發行折扣 篩選依據: 全部0 搜尋結果可能會根據您的排除部分產品...