使用DX12 启动游戏需要具有最低 DirectX 功能级别 12_0 的显卡。要确定您的功能级别,请打开“运行”对话框(Windows 键+R)并键入“dxdiag”。功能级别列在“显示”选项卡的“驱动程序”部分。 EA 应用程序: 在“我的收藏”中,单击 Apex Legends 磁贴右上角的三个点,然后选择“查看属性”。 在“高级启动选项”...
修复寻血猎犬的尼弗尔海姆猎人皮肤中的乌鸦颜色不正确显示的问题,将更准确地显示为白色 DirectX 12 beta:在所有显示模式中添加了对亮度滑块的支持 DirectX 12 beta:修复了 videoconfig.txt 设置中 setting.mat_backbuffer_count "0" 时导致的崩溃 请注意,在DX11下运行的Apex需要操作系统使用额外的缓冲区进行合成,上...
Since the crash issue does not happen with DirectX11, our best recommendation is to contact the game developer, since DirectX12 is a BETA feature of the game. For now, we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no...
Apex Legends Season 22: Shockwave is jam-packed with game-changing new content, and the patch notes have finally revealed the full details.
Large optimizations to both CPU and GPU performance. With these changes, we expect that theDirectX 12 betashould now perform better than DirectX 11 for the majority of players. PC: removed Adaptive Supersampling video settings option. A small percentage of players used this option and those that...
Bonjour jai directx 12 mais j'arrive pas a lancer le jeu (Apex Legends) on me demande directx 11 svp qui peut maider a faire tourner le jeu sur directx 12 . Merci","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2019-02-08T14:21:47.377Z","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges"...
I am experiencing a consistent, reproducible crash when attempting to play Apex legends using DX12.I would like to play it on DX12 as the performance is markedly better when using an Intel Arc card. Relevant Specs: Intel Arc A770 16GB - (4826 drivers currently) I9-9900K (non OC) ...
Apex Legends,英雄战术竞技游戏, apex英雄是一款第一人称射击类型游戏,英文名称Apex Legends,该游戏采取免费模式,玩家可以免费参与到激情的Apex竞赛当中,游戏包含多位性格、特性、玩法各异的角色,可供玩家选择使用,玩家需要跟不同的玩家、不同的角色进行配合,共同击败对手,获得胜利。游戏的背景设定在《泰坦陨落2》的30...
《Apex英雄》(Apex Legends)是一款免费的战术竞技游戏,适用经典的战术竞技游戏规则,由泰坦陨落制作组Respawn研发。在游戏中,我们将领略到拥有强大技能的传说级角色,并与他们携手,在这充满危险与机遇的土地上,为荣誉、为利益、为名望,携手而战吧! 展开 详细信息 最低配置 推荐配置 制作发行:Respawn/Electronic Arts...
新闻 攻略 下载 图片 《Apex英雄》(ApexLegends)是一款免费的战术竞技游戏,适用经典的战术竞技游戏规则,由泰坦陨落制作组Respawn研发。在游戏中,我们将领略到拥有强大技能的传说级角色,并与他们携手,在这充满危险与机遇的土地上,为荣誉、为利益、为名望,携手而战吧! 展开媒体...