In June, players were concerned with Apex Legends having alower player countthan it has been in years. At the time, it was believed to be due to other games coming out likeXDefiantand Elden Ring's DLC. Others felt that players were jumping ship to those games because Apex Legends lacked ...
leaving players frustrated due to a sudden and unexpected rank reset. Thankfully, Respawn Entertainment is aware of the severeApex Legendsglitch and is working to rectify the mistake in a timely manner.
Use of monetization mechanics in Apex Legends (only Apex from now on), more specifically, its work with customization and desire creation, was the design that recently caught my attention. Apex is free to play, therefore it heavily depends on its ability to acquire players, to keep them and ...
Apex Legends, has 70 million playersworldwide. As part of its plans to position the game as one of the key growth drivers for the company next year, developerRespawn also announced a new ‘Duos’ game modethat will allow two-people to play as a team instead of having...
Apex Legends Mobile Release Coming This Month on iOS and Android Back from the Dead When a player is dead, they can’t take any direct actions on the battleground but they can still do a lot of useful things. Players that remain active while they’re dead can help teammates a lot with...
That’s why, apart from IP banning, they’ve also been HWID-banning players based on their hardware parts for the last couple of years. While, as I said above, the hardware and IP bans mainly apply to cheaters in-game and people who break the Apex Legends ToS, there are some cases ...
Apex Legends is one battle royale game with great in-game communication, but this feature would improve that and make a huge difference to new Ranked players.
Solved: Same problem. Would love to have this fixed. I can’t access the characters lobbies or the shop, and my currency is a constant far going
While Crypto is still plenty strong inApex Legendsseason 22, a different type of surveillance is now drawing the ire of players: the game’s kill cams. Recommended Videos Kill cams were introducedright at the beginning of the year inApex‘sMixtape playlist, giving respawn modes like Team Death...
Apex Legends Lead Game Designer这个因为历史久远的挖坟帖子被开除的新闻,逻辑和两年前的朋友圈几乎是一样的:兼容,以及对自己的言行负责…这样可以拭目以待Apex Legends大Drew McCoy在接下来会不会被开除了Executive producer Drew McCoy reacted to fan hostility in the thread by describing some players as "ass...