打开浏览器,搜索“Apex Legends官网”,点击进入!在首页显眼位置找到“注册”或“Create Account”按钮,点击跳转到EA账号注册页面!填写注册信息 常用电子邮箱地址:接收验证邮件和账号通知的重要渠道!用户名:选择一个喜欢且未被占用的,成为你的Apex账号身份标识!密码:复杂又易于记忆,保障账号安全!账号地区与年龄...
1.打开浏览器:启动浏览器,输入“Apex Legends官网”,访问Apex英雄官方网站 2.找到注册入口:在官网首页,点击右上角的“注册”或“Create Account”按钮,进入EA账号注册页面。 三、填写注册信息 1.邮箱地址:输入电子邮箱地址,用于接收验证邮件和账号信息。 2.用户名:选择自己喜欢的且未被占用的用户名作为Apex账号名称。
Using your apexlegendsstatus.com account Username Password Remember me Lost password? Don't have an account? Create an account
进入官网注册 打开浏览器,搜索“Apex Legends官网”,点击进入!在首页显眼位置找到“注册”或“Create Account”按钮,点击跳转到EA账号注册页面! 填写注册信息 常用电子邮箱地址:接收验证邮件和账号通知的重要渠道!用户名:选择一个喜欢且未被占用的,成为你的Apex账号身份标识!密码:复杂又易于记忆,保障账号安全!账号地区与...
6、安装完成后,启动Apex Legends游戏。 7、在游戏启动时,您将被要求创建或登录账号。如果您还没有EA账号,点击"Create an Account"(创建一个账号)来注册一个新的EA账号。 1、在EA网站上,点击"登录"按钮,然后选择"创建EA账号"。 2、按照指示填写所需的信息,包括电子邮件、用户名和密码。确保提供准确的信息。
If you used an EA Account to create multiple Apex Legends accounts, these accounts have been merged together. Merged accounts can’t be unmerged—we can’t restore your lost progress. Still can’t find what’s missing?
Deploy N.E.W.T, your robotic vacuum companion, to create a micro black hole that pulls players towards it and hits them with a graviton blast at the end. Lifeline is one of the original Apex Legends. She’s a Support Legend.
YOUR ACCOUNT WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO ACCESS APEX LEGENDS.EA'S RULES:You accept this agreement when you create an EA Account and download any of our games.• Play by the EA rules网页链接 • Our User Agreement, which is what you agree to when you make an EA Account网页链接 • ...
After providing the correct login information on PS4 (verified on PC), I get the error message "We cannot complete this action at this time. If you need... - 5576948
Your Apex Legends EA ID (also sometimes called Public ID) is your EA Account name. Find out more about yourEA ID. Events Events bring exciting new gameplay changes, purchasable cosmetics, and free progression content to Apex Legends.