About Apex Legends Technical Issues
EA Forums Apex Legends Apex Legends Technical Issues Forum Discussion EA_Kent Community Manager5 years ago Re: Apex coins not showing up Hey @Beast2102. When you've got the chance please reach out to the EA Help team so they can pull up your account and take a look. They should be ...
As some dismal examples show, it is possible to have a game with a big and loyal user base but very low income if their willingness to pay is not harnessed. Apex Legends is a F2P game and as such it is reliant on purchases in-game. Therefore the objective of the development team is...
Fans of Apex Legends can rejoice as highly requested changes to character hitboxes, stability improvments, and more are now implemented. Season 1 brings with it the release of the Battle Pass which will grant exclusive rewards to those who elect to purchase it for 950 Apex Coins. Octane also...
Fixed bug where Mirage was able to stay invisible and still be able to shoot and melee when using his Ultimate on a zipline. Octane Fixed bug where sometimes Octane’s Jump Pad would not launch the player. Sources: EA Apex Legends Patch Notes Jayfresh_Respawn on Reddit...
Fix Challenges Not Tracking on Halo Infinite How to Get Apex Coins for Free Fix Apex Legends Anti Cheat Error in Windows 10 We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix game security violation detected Apex issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you...
and could also be purchased with Apex Coins that players could earn in-game. Moving forward, "Apex Legends" is splitting its Battle Pass in half. Now the $9.99 pass lasts for half a season, for 60 levels instead of 110. There's also a new Premium+ battle pass that costs $19.99 and...
Luckily, Respawn was up to the challenge. Apex Legends season 2: Heavy is the Iron Crown's not-so-microtransactions (Image credit: Respawn Entertainment) With great skins comes great responsibility, and Respawn quickly found that giving the people what they want doesn't mean charging them $...
"Apex Coins Never Showing Up, This Company is Effectively Stealing from Me","id":"message:5798964","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1712245"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:apex-legends-technical-issues-en"},...
Apex Legends - Impossible d'offrir des cadeaux Bonjour les Légendes, Veuillez noter que l'option pour offrir des cadeaux dans Apex Legends est désactivée pendant que les équipes travaillent pour corriger certains bugs. Nous vous tiendrons au courant quand cette option sera à nouveau disponibl...