这个叫 2009 的黑客,可以说是近段时间《 Apex 》风头最盛的人物 ,在这个游戏里,他就像 “神” 一样,无所不能。 他是这段时间最嚣张的 “挂B” ,甚至靠开挂打到了最高段位 “ 猎杀者 ” ,在高端局爆杀职业选手,还时不时黑进职业选手的 Discord 频道和他们聊天。 他心情好就黑进服务器,再随手给职业选...
史上最狠挂逼,黑了比赛服务器还用职业选手账号开挂! 《 Apex Legends 》出大事了。 3月 18 日的 ALGS ( Apex 最高级别的比赛 )北美总决赛上,在数十万观众面前,DarkZero 战队职业选手 Gen 正在直播自己第一视角。 突然,他的屏幕画面上出现了一个奇怪的窗口,上面有 “ 魔法子弹 ”“ 自动开火 ”“ 锁定 ...
All of us are rather confused, after telling my partner who plays in the same room as me and them having a good laugh about it responded "could they atleast change your score to reflect that of a cheating?". My friends asked me I have an overlay for discord or so...
I've been wrongfully banned while I haven't done anything against the TOS or Game rules. And I simply dont understand why I was banned to begin with. My account was banned the 04.02.2021 around 05.00 AM CET. ( https://downdetector.com/status/apex-legends/news/365815-problems-at-apex-le...
It is evidently not known who behind the Apex Legends hack is, although it is likely not to be people behind the savetitanfall.com website – established by TF Remnant Fleet (known as “the biggest original Titanfall 1 community”) and NoSkill Titanfall Modding Discord. ...
As a little PSA word of warning, it seems EA / Respawn have begun another little ban wave or they've tweaked something in their anti-cheat that Linux / Steam Deck players are getting caught in for Apex Legends.
《 Apex Legends 》出大事了。 3月 18 日的 ALGS ( Apex 最高级别的比赛 )北美总决赛上,在数十万观众面前,DarkZero 战队职业选手 Gen正在直播自己第一视角。 突然,他的屏幕画面上出现了一个奇怪的窗口,上面有 “ 魔法子弹 ”“ 自动开火 ”“ 锁定 ” 等选项。
《 Apex Legends 》出大事了。 3月 18 日的 ALGS ( Apex 最高级别的比赛 )北美总决赛上,在数十万观众面前,DarkZero 战队职业选手 Gen 正在直播自己第一视角。 突然,他的屏幕画面上出现了一个奇怪的窗口,上面有 “ 魔法子弹 ”“ 自动开火 ”“ 锁定 ” 等选项。
Part of a gaming Discord here and lots of people have similar issues, sometimes as a 3 stack 2 of us have it in the same game and one of us not, think that is part of the problem in that is it not consistent or indeed easy to replicate. Has not happened for a few days now o...