The Time-to-Kill in Apex Legends on average goes higher than 3 seconds and, depending on the weapons and shields, wiping an enemy can take way longer that that. This aim-centered approach is different from what you might find in other games like PUBG or COD. Training with 3D aim traine...
How to Get Better at Apex Legends with 3D Aim Trainer A high time to kill means that your opponent will take a decent amount of time to go down. Therefore, the focus of your training should gravitate towards tracking, as this type of training is all about keeping your crosshair on the...
The Flowstate Aim Trainer is created by ColumbiaFPS and runs on R5Reloaded, a modded version of Apex Legends back in season 3. It’s completely offline and is not connected to the official servers. However, players can search for other player-made servers and connect to custom games. The F...
Wenn du Apex Legends häufiger spielst, willst du dich vielleicht auf eine Legende spezialisieren. Hier findest du einige Informationen, an die du bei der Wahl der entsprechenden Legende denken solltest. Klassen: Alle Legenden gehören einer Klasse an, die festlegt, für welche Spielweise...