《Apex英雄》外挂层出不穷 重生娱乐封禁数十万作弊玩家 《Apex英雄(Apex Legends)》可以说是现在全球范围内最火的大逃杀游戏了,不过随着游戏的大热,外挂问题也接踵而至。重生娱乐(Respawn Entertainment)在红迪网(Reddit)论坛发贴称目前已经封禁了超过35.5万名作弊的PC玩家,并且将在PC平台上加入举报功能。 重生娱乐封禁...
史上最狠挂逼,黑了比赛服务器还用职业选手账号开挂! 《 Apex Legends 》出大事了。 3月 18 日的 ALGS ( Apex 最高级别的比赛 )北美总决赛上,在数十万观众面前,DarkZero 战队职业选手 Gen正在直播自己第一视角。 突然,他的屏幕画面上出现了一个奇怪的窗口,上面有 “ 魔法子弹 ”“ 自动开火 ”“ 锁定 ”...
Apex Legends news, videos, esports, events, roster changes, scores, schedules, streams, recaps, and analysis. | Esports News Network.
Reddit User Builds LEGO Apex Legends Heirloom Weapons and Guns using Online Model Tool User BattlefrontLEGO created all of theApex LegendsHeirlooms as LEGO Builds using a virtual builder tool. None of the LEGO sets are official and most of the guns would be too fragile to build given their s...
Apex Legends - PC and console To report a player in-game While in a match, bring up the in-game menu (Tabon PC,Optionson Playstation®,Menuon Xbox). Open theSquadtab. Select the warning symbol (“!” inside a triangle) under the player you want to report. ...
If you're someone who wants to climb Apex Legends' ranks, we think this incredible PUBG tool could be the ticket to battle royale success on Xbox, PC, and PS5.
I just logged into Apex Legends for Season 13. During Season 12 I maintained Apex Predator the entire second split and ended in Pred as well (14745 RP). Yet, I was given Masters rewards for the season. This is extremely frustrating due to the amount of time it took for me to achieve...
The Apex Legends UI has plenty on it, but one user would like to see something else while they’re in the game: the amount of items they have. It can be shown to people viewing the game, but it’s not inherently there for the person actually playing. They would then immediately know...
from (\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Apex Legends\Crashpad\db\) i got this: KEY_VALUES_STRING: 1 Key : AV.Dereference Value: NullPtr Key : AV.Fault Value: Read Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec Value: 2031 Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec Value: 87026 Key : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb Value: 5 Key : ...
https://www.ea.com/zh-tw/games/apex-legends/news/august-2023-revenant-dev-ama 常规 重新打造一名英雄有学到什么吗? 太多了。 这是我们的第一次英雄重制,在重新打造的过程中有很多事情要摸索,而且我们想让一切变得很棒。 中间需要大量的合作才让这次重制完成。 他的全新技能组、技能的动画和特效、他的新...