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It took me a bit to get here but I can unequivocally state that Apex Mocks is well worth learning to improve your unit testing.This blog post aims at the Apex developer who doesn’t have Java Mockito experience (which was me). Since most of the code at our org relies on the Apex ...
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The machine learning algorithm of Einstein GPT works by analyzing vast amounts of text data using neural networks. By processing these immense amounts of human-generated text data, it learns the semantics and syntax of the text. Once it has understood the language structure, it uses this knowle...
Learning to use secure passwords can be a hassle at first, but once you get it down it's fairly easy to do and prevents headaches in the future. @DarthValtrex I've set up a two-factor. Thank you for the tip. At first I felt that I've been hacked, but after checking with support...