Open your server panel, then select Config Files near the top left corner. Once there, locate and click the autoexec.cfg file option to reveal its contents. Inside the file editor, make your desired changes and press Save at the top. Restart the server from the main panel to apply the ...
For some of the more advanced settings, you need to change “autoexec” launch options. You can change your autoexec settings (for max FPS etc.) in Steam by right-clicking on the game title in your library, and clicking Properties. On the General tab you’ll see the launch options. Ape...
The Apex Advanced Launch Options script is causing the EA Launcher to freeze when I paste or even try typing out: -high -preload +fps_max 120 -novid -fullscreen -refresh 60 +cl_showfps +cl_showpos 1 +exec autoexec -dxlevel 95 +mat_letterbox_aspect_goal 0 +mat_letterbox_as...