If you want to know exactly what skin you should be looking for in this event, you’ve come to the right place. AllApex LegendsxFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirthevent skins All skins in this event must be unlocked via event packswhen theApexxFinal Fantasyevent begins, including the Buster Sword He...
While this isn’t a Collection Event (meaning there will be no Heirloom weapon released alongside this event), you can still snag some sweet themed Legendary character skins from the store. Here’s the confirmed cosmetics coming to Dark Depths so far: –Ash’s ‘Denizen of the Deep’ skin ...
To further tempt those itchy trigger fingers, the 30-30 Repeater has a built-in charge giving players an opportunity to deal increased damage with each shot at the cost of a short build-up. The 30-30 reloads one round at a time, which makes for some very interesting resource management ...
Dev note: There’s no doubt the nerfs Horizon received with Legacy were necessary, but given the benefit of time and hindsight we decided we probably hit the speed of her tactical too hard. Instead of completely reverting that part of the nerf, we found a happy medium between how fast her...
In each pack that contains Shards, you’ll get 150 Heirloom Shards in total. Collect packs in a few different ways, including:[1] Leveling up. As you gain experience points, you’ll continually level up in the game. This is the only way to earn Apex packs that won’t cost extra ...