“+fps_max [value] -limitcontentfps [value] +pingboost 0 +net_dynamic_enable 0 +gameoverlayenabled 3”这些参数可以帮助提高FPS的表现。"NoSync"命令也常被用来提升电脑的性能。3. 系统资源不足:如果你的计算机内存或其他系统资源不够用的话,可能会导致游戏运行缓慢或不流畅。你可以考虑增加更多的RAM或者...
1,选择上图中红框的那个版本下载,安装并打开后会看到下图的这样一个界面 2,我们需要做的是在application detection level那里选择high,并且在frame rate limit那里输入一个你所喜欢的帧数,笔者是144hz显示器但实际游玩依然会掉帧(地图优化),故选择了120帧来获得稳定的画面体验 3,进游戏,进靶场,一一实验几个垂直同步...
If you have a PC capable of going way beyond that, you can only get more frames by removing the FPS cap. Apex Legends doesn’t allow players to set a custom FPS limit within the game. Instead, you’ll need to do the following: Navigate to Origin and go to My Game Library. Right-...
Apex Legendsdoesn’t allow players to set a custom FPS limit within the game. Instead, you’ll need to do the following: Navigate toOriginand go toMy Game Library. Right-click onApex Legends, then selectGame Properties. Click theAdvanced Launch Optionstab. Type in “+fps_max unlimited” an...
【レッドブルとLIMITBREAK】家にやばいものがきました……【湊あくあ】 ( 1080 X 1920 60fps ) 101 -- 7:36:25 App 【マリオカート8DX】本気の本気のガチ練習【湊あくあ】 ( 1080 X 1920 60fps )_output 175 -- 1:43:12 App 【マリカ8DX】あてぃし、しんや、がち、れんしゅう、!【湊...
Before checking out the bestApex Legendssettings, you’ll need to remove the default 144Hz FPS cap forApex. If left on, any optimizations made will provide substantially smaller improvements and limit your ability to recoup frames (though theywillstill help). To remove the cap, head to the ...
Whether or not the FPS cap, or frame rate limit is intentional or not, it is very restricting on PC players that play on high-end systems and watch to squeeze out as many FPS as possible to go along their high refresh rate monitors. Right now it seems like there is a 144 FPS cap ...
If you fail to complete the conditions within the match limit, you’ll fail and be given an LP loss based on your performance. However, if you’re victorious, you’ll also get a 250 LP promotional bonus when entering the new rank tier. However, things aren’t all bad if you fail....