Salesforce Apex 编程教程说明书 Apex i
that the limit on heap size is exceeded and an error occurs. to resolve, use a soql query for loop instead, since it can process multiple batches of records by using internal calls to query and querymore . for example, if the results are too large, this syntax causes a runtime ...
For example, variable declaration, loop syntax and conditional statements all work the same in Apex as they do in Java. Based in Data Apex is data-focused and designed to execute multiple queries and DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements at the same time. Strongly Typed Apex is...
This function returns the date and time a specified region was cached either for the user issuing the call, or for all users if the page was not set to be cached by user. Syntax APEX_UTIL.CACHE_GET_DATE_OF_REGION_CACHE ( p_application IN NUMBER, p_page IN NUMBER, p_region_name IN...
It can be iterated in a foreach loop: Set<String> mySet = new Set<String>{'a', 'b'}; for(String s : mySet){} But, according to Salesforce (compiler & runtime), it does not actually implement the Iterable interface: String.join(mySet, ','); // ~ "Method does not exist or...
Here, using a for loop, we combine the first and last name of each contact to form the contact's full name. First, let's create the loop, then we'll process each record within the loop.To declare a for loop, we need a variable name, its data type, and the name of the list ...
{loop ":" TAGS/}&APEX$ITEM. {endloop/} TheFull Cardaction is configured to open page 11 (Book Manual), passing in the value of the bookIDcolumn for theP11_IDpage item. Clicking on the card for theBuilding Oracle XML Applicationsbook opens the modal drawer page we explore next. Book...
while loops while loops the apex while loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a particular boolean condition remains true. its syntax is: while ( condition ) { code_block } curly braces ( {} ) are required around a code_block only if the block contains more than one ...
A PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch - apex/ at master · MaximumEntropy/apex
END LOOP; END; See Also: "PASSWORD_FIRST_USE_OCCURRED Function" Syntax procedure. Table 18-8 CLEAR_APP_CACHE Parameters Example The following example demonstrates how to use the CLEAR_APP_CACHE procedure to clear all the current sessions state for the application with an ID of 100. ...