for循环是一种重复控制结构,允许您有效地编写需要执行特定次数的循环。 考虑一个商业案例,其中,我们需要一次处理或更新100条记录。 这是Loop语法有助于简化工作的地方。 语法(Syntax) for (variable : list_or_set) { code_block } 流程图 例子(Example) 考虑到我们有一个Invoice对象,它存储CreatedDate,Status等...
Consider the followingfor loopexample using SOQLforloop. // The same previous example using For SOQL LoopList<apex_invoice__c>PaidInvoiceNumberList=newList<apex_invoice__c>();// initializing the custom object records list to store// the Invoice RecordsList<string>InvoiceNumberList=newList<string...
for (variable_list : [soql_query]) { code_block } 这里需要注意的一点是,variable_list或变量应始终与Query返回的记录的类型相同。 在我们的示例中,它与APEX_Invoice_c的类型相同。 流程图 (Flow Diagram) 例子(Example) 使用SOQLfor循环考虑以下for loop示例。 // The same previous example using For SOQ...
Salesforce Apex 编程教程说明书 Apex i
To avoid this, never write the SOQL query in the For Loop. In this case, the SOQL query has been written in the For loop.Following is an example which will show how to avoid the DML as well as the SOQL limit. We have used the nested relationship query to fetch the invoice records ...
It can be iterated in a foreach loop: Set<String> mySet = new Set<String>{'a', 'b'}; for(String s : mySet){} But, according to Salesforce (compiler & runtime), it does not actually implement the Iterable interface: String.join(mySet, ','); // ~ "Method does not exist or...
that the limit on heap size is exceeded and an error occurs. to resolve, use a soql query for loop instead, since it can process multiple batches of records by using internal calls to query and querymore . for example, if the results are too large, this syntax causes a runtime ...
You can add one or more of these properties to a small initialization function like the one below, adding whichever ones you need separated by commas. You would define this on theAttributestab of the interactive grid region. For example, to enable a selection state item in a grid with multi...
For our example, we are going to use Stargate Worlds v3.0 by LoopOnce the mods have finished downloading, start up the game to verify they have been installed and activated. Once the game is open and running you should see a notification in the bottom right saying that the mods are being...
In this example, we first create a new instance of QueryBuilder. We then add 'Name' and 'Industry' to the fields that we want to select, add a filter for the 'Industry' field, and set a limit of 10 records. Finally, we convert the query to a string. Extending Functionality The Que...