www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Contrasting structural complexity differentiate hunting strategy in an ambush apex predator Milan Říha1*, Karl Ø. Gjelland2, Vilém Děd1, Antti P. Eloranta3,5, Ruben Rabaneda‑Bueno1, Henrik Baktoft4, Lukáš Vejřík1, ...
lnSL Log-transformed distance (in m) for a step defined as the straight-line distance between start and end locations of GPS fixes with a 2-hour schedule. cosTA Turning angle (in radians) cosine-transformed into a linear variable with a range of 1 to −1, where a value of 1 denotes...
Structural complexity is known to influence prey behaviour, mortality and population structure, but the effects on predators have received less attention. We tested whether contrasting structural complexity in two newly colonised lakes (low structural complexity lake—LSC; high structural complexity—HSC) ...