LASTNAME user.surname 郵件 user.mail 在[以 SAML 設定單一登入] 頁面上的 [SAML 簽署憑證] 區段中,尋找 [同盟中繼資料 XML],然後選取 [下載],以下載憑證並將其儲存在電腦上。 在[設定 Apex Portal] 區段上,根據您的需求複製適當的 URL。建立Microsoft Entra 測試使用者在本節中,您將建立名為 B.Simon ...
p_user Login name of the user. p_session_id The session ID. Example In the following example, a new session ID is generated and registered along with the current application user. APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.DEFINE_USER_SESSION ( :APP_USER, APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.GET_NEXT_SESSION_ID); ...
returns the current user’s email address. getuserid() returns the context user's id getusername() returns the context user's login name. getuserroleid() returns the context user's role id. getusertype() returns the context user's type. haspackagelicense(packageid) returns true if the...
p_user Login name of the user. p_session_id The session ID. Example In the following example, a new session ID is generated and registered along with the current application user. APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.DEFINE_USER_SESSION ( :APP_USER, APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.GET_NEXT_SESSION_ID); ...
(opp.OwnerId==fromUserId){opp.OwnerId=toUserId;opps.add(opp);}}update opps;}catch(Exception ex){Database.rollback(sp);}}globalvoidfinish(Database.BatchableContextBC){// Get the ID of the AsyncApexJob representing this batch job// from Database.BatchableContext.// Query the AsyncApex...
Give feedback about the Legends, maps, weapons, loot and more in the Apex Legends community forums.32,942 Posts Start a Discussion Recent Discussions Most RecentNewest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetNo Solutions YetSolutions ...
来源——B站UP平平无奇mododohttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Sb4y1f7EM?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=cd0eb0757452585c7d3d55ac36e60bd7 7.注册表修改键鼠 在键盘上按“win+R”在运行窗口里面输入“regedit” 打开注册表:计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard ...
代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 if(currentUserIsApprover(obj.Id))autoApprovalOANode(obj.Id,'审批通过',false);
ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER ACCOUNT UNLOCK ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY new_password 注:APEX_PUBLIC_USER的密码在下面配置apex listener时候需要 四、装载相关图片 以SYSDBA 执行:@ apex_epg_config.sql /soft/apex 其中第二个参数为zip解压的目录,脚本会自动到下一级的apex/images 去load 图片...