If you had more than one Apex Legends account linked to your EA Account when we introduced Cross Progression, your accounts were merged to create a single Cross Progression account. The profile with the highest account level is now your Cross Progression account. Your achievement badges and stats...
Wednesday, 9 October 2024 跨平台進度是讓您能夠分享在 PC、PlayStation®、Xbox 和 Nintendo Switch™ 上遊戲進度的功能。透過跨平台進度,無論你在什麼平台上遊玩,都能夠存取你的《Apex 英雄》帳號、進度與外觀道具。您不能選擇關閉此功能。 查看我們的跨平台進度影片指南。 所有《Apex 英雄》玩家都預設具有跨...
Apex Legends Season 19 Introduces Conduit, Cross Progression October 27, 2023|Tags:Apex Legends| AuthorSid Apex Legends Season 19 introduces a Support legend, Conduit along with a cross-progression system that’ll allow players to merge their account progress and content into one account across all...
ноября 2023 - датапоследнегоизменения ноября 2023 пользователем SubitaxXxEclipsi Параметры v0rub4s ★★ Novice 43 pt @SubitaxXxEclipsi,нуаответыбудут? Чтоэтовообщеза...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Cross progression prompt still hasn't appeared","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11874937"},"id":"message:11874937","revisionNum":1,"uid":11874937,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:apex-legends-technical-issues-en"},...
Apex Legends Season 20 is exciting, and more information about it will be released closer to the season, but check out the Apex Legends Breakout trailer below for a sneak peek! For more on Apex Legends, check outDoes Apex Legends have cross progression?here on Pro Game Guides....
Does Apex Legends have cross-generation play and progression? If you are playing Apex Legends on PlayStation 5 and want to invite PlayStation 4 players, you can easily do so by sending them an invite from the PlayStation friends menu, and they can easily join up. The same applies t...
"The biggest new launches that are seeing the most success are the ones that are deeply connected to the broader franchise where there's not always cross-play but certainly cross-progression and the feeling that they're part of a single unified community and a single unified game experience."...
文章 《Apex 英雄™》中失去遊戲進度 查看您所使用的平台的常見進度缺失原因,以及如何在遊戲中恢復進度。 閱讀文章 仍需要協助? 與我們在線上聊天 等待時間:5 分鐘
通过《Apex Legends》跨平台进度,在不同平台上从上次中断的地方继续游戏。 阅读文章 实用资源 文章 《Apex Legends™》缺失的游戏进度 查看在您玩游戏的平台上进度缺失的常见原因,以及您可以做些什么来重新回到游戏中。 阅读文章 仍然需要帮助? 与我们聊天 等待时间:2 分钟 没...