Cross Progression for returning players If you’ve played Apex Legends before, here’s everything you need to know about how Cross Progression might’ve impacted your account. If you had one Apex Legends account If you had one Apex Legends account when we introduced Cross Progression, this acco...
PS+和Xbox黄金道具可能是相似的,它们将被限制在它们获得的平台上,除非它们是在两个平台上获得的。注意:当前的Apex Legends EA Play订阅奖励必须在2023年10月31日前兑换。为准备Cross Progression的发布,在此日期之后它们将不再提供。货币 连续 注意:统计数据不能跨平台合并,所以它们将默认为您的主要个人资料。任...
Thursday, 21 December 2023 Learn more about account merging and how to access your Apex Legends progress with Cross Progression. Merging Apex Legends accounts You can’t merge Apex Legends accounts, but you can share game progress from the same account across different platforms with Cross Progressi...
#1 November 2023 Options Si6em___ ★★★ Newbie I have 1 PC account and 2 PS accounts but I have accidentally linked not the one PS account with a PC account that I wanted. Can I still link PS account I actually want when I have already received cross progression? Reply 0 + ...
ноября 2023 - датапоследнегоизменения ноября 2023 пользователем SubitaxXxEclipsi Параметры v0rub4s ★★ Novice 43 pt @SubitaxXxEclipsi,нуаответыбудут? Чтоэтовообщеза...
October 27, 2023|Tags:Apex Legends| AuthorSid Apex Legends Season 19 introduces a Support legend, Conduit along with a cross-progression system that’ll allow players to merge their account progress and content into one account across all platforms. Besides bringing a legend of Filipino descent, ...
注意:当前的Apex Legends EA Play订阅奖励必须在2023年10月31日前兑换。为准备Cross Progression的发布,在此日期之后它们将不再提供。 货币 连续 注意:统计数据不能跨平台合并,所以它们将默认为您的主要个人资料。任何与合并到你的EA账户中的其他个人资料的统计数据相关的徽章可能都不可用。
注意:当前的Apex Legends EA Play订阅奖励必须在2023年10月31日前兑换。为准备Cross Progression的发布,在此日期之后它们将不再提供。 货币 连续 注意:统计数据不能跨平台合并,所以它们将默认为您的主要个人资料。任何与合并到你的EA账户中的其他个人资料的统计数据相关的徽章可能都不可用。
Does Apex Legends have cross-generation play and progression? If you are playing Apex Legends on PlayStation 5 and want to invite PlayStation 4 players, you can easily do so by sending them an invite from the PlayStation friends menu, and they can easily join up. The same applies t...
跨平台進度是讓您能夠分享在 PC、PlayStation®、Xbox 和 Nintendo Switch™ 上遊戲進度的功能。透過跨平台進度,無論你在什麼平台上遊玩,都能夠存取你的《Apex 英雄》帳號、進度與外觀道具。您不能選擇關閉此功能。 查看我們的跨平台進度影片指南。