我正在尝试使用向我的网站添加一个饼图。我从他们的网站上复制了源代码,但在我网站的控制台上收到了错误“无法将类作为函数调用”。<vue-apex-charts type="pie" width="380" :options="chartOptions" :series="series"> </vue-apex-charts>来自文件PieChart.vue的源代码 浏览23提问于2019-07...
<Chartoptions={this.state.options}series={this.state.series}type="line"width="500"/> plotOptions.line Donut Chart importReact, {Component}from'react';importChartfrom'react-apexcharts'classDonutextendsComponent{constructor(props) {super(props);this.state= {options: {},series: [44,55,41,17,15]...
Quick Charts Use apex function to quickly create visualizations : library(apexcharter) data("mpg", package = "ggplot2") apex(data = mpg, type = "bar", mapping = aes(manufacturer)) With datetime: data("economics", package = "ggplot2") apex(data = economics, type = "line", mapping =...
typeThe chart type which is a mandatory prop to specifyString‘line’ seriesThe data which you want to display in the chartArrayundefined widthWidth of the chartString || Number‘100%’ heightHeight of the chartString || Number‘auto’ ...
You can create a variety of charts including: Line, Area, Bar, Horizontal Bar, Heatmap, pie, donut and Radialbar. More examples Check the documentation on:Larapex Chart Docs Contributing The author Ariel Mejia Dev. License MIT Support the project ...
当使用Flexbox时,Apex Charts无法正确调整大小 最近,我将浮动布局更改为FlexBox以便更轻松地使用面板(根据其他问题的建议)。虽然大部分事情都按照我的预期工作,但在更改后,我在Apex Charts上遇到了问题。 完整代码在这里:https://github.com/EvotecIT/PSWriteHTML/blob/master/Examples/Example12-Charts/Example12....
在ApexChart.js 中添加 X 轴标签下的填充,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保你已经引入了 ApexChart.js 库,并创建了一个图表实例。 2. 在图表的配置项中,找到 ...
table.calculator td.w120 { height: 20px; width:100%; } table.calculator td.w20 { height: 20px; width:20px; } table.calculator td.w40 { height: 20px ;width:40px; } Changed Behavior: N/A- FLASH CHARTS AND GANTT CHARTS NO LONGER DISPLAY ...
borderWidth:"3", borderColor:"#dd5252" } return options; } When dealing with charts containing distinct series, assigning colours involves using various colours for separate series rather than differentiating colours within the same series. The syntax varies slightly, as demonstrated here: ...
Apex Charts Library (O11) Forge asset byTeam Nexllence Application Type Reactive Good Day I have a Mixed Chart using the Apex Chart Library, that is Line & Column. I would like to have multiple Y-axis, one on the left and other on the right, as I have two different Data ...