"setting.mat_picmip""4"//贴图清晰度 纹理过滤(地面/物体斜面清晰度):最低:"setting.mat_forceaniso""1"//纹理过滤等级 "setting.mat_mip_linear""0"//线性过滤开关 正常:"setting.mat_forceaniso""4"//纹理过滤等级 "setting.mat_mip_linear""1"//线性过滤开关 .TSAA抗锯齿参考:"setting.mat_anti...
“setting.cl_particle_fallback_multiplier” “2”“setting.cl_ragdoll_maxcount” “0”“setting.cl_ragdoll_self_collision” “1”“setting.mat_forceaniso” “1”“setting.mat_mip_linear” “0”“setting.stream_memory” “0”“setting.mat_picmip” “4”“setting.particle_cpu_level” “0”“...
游戏内的画面设置并不完整,我们需要到C:\Users\[你的用户名]\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\local目录下找到videoconfig.txt文件,其中记录了详细的画面设置,先复制一份备份,然后用文本编辑器打开。 "VideoConfig"{"setting.cl_gib_allow""0""setting.cl_particle_fallback_base&q...
Turbulence actors can interact with PhysX shapes if the collision filtering settings are set correctly (set in the Turbulence asset or actor). Controlling the effect of PhysX Shapes Colliding PhysX Shapes impart angular and linear velocity onto the grid, and this velocity is determined by the curre...
低="0"中="4"高="8""setting.cl_ragdoll_self_collision""0"//布娃娃碰撞 禁用="0"启用="1.0""setting.mat_forceaniso""1"//①纹理贴图过滤 双&三线性="1"各向异性过滤="2/4/6/8/16""setting.mat_mip_linear""0"//②纹理贴图过滤 ①为双线性时="0"①为三线性及以上时="1.0""setting....
“setting.mat_mip_linear” “0” “setting.stream_memory” “0” “setting.mat_picmip” “4” “setting.particle_cpu_level” “0” “setting.r_createmodeldecals” “0” “setting.r_decals” “0” “setting.r_lod_switch_scale” “0.6” ...
Where the real controller settings lie. Screenshot by Dot Esports Movement and Aiming SettingChoiceReasoning Look sensitivity Four You want this higher than ADS speed to track enemies while using hip-fire. ADS Three Response Curve Linear Linear gives more freedom in control and tracking. It doe...
FlyDiGi Model Apex 4 Hall Effect YES Trigger Button Type Hall-Linear Compatible Platform Nintendo Switch,PC,ANDROID,IOS Package Yes Interface Type USB,bluetooth,2.4GView more DescriptionReport Item New Brand FLYDIGI FLYDIGI Gaming Controller 100% Orginal,if you have any problems ,please feel free to...
Actual battery performance will vary and depend on numerous factors including product configuration and usage, software, operating conditions, wireless functionality, power management settings, screen brightness and other factors. The maximum capacity of the battery will naturally decrease with time ...
Apex 4 Hall Effect YES Trigger Button Type Hall-Linear Compatible Platform Nintendo Switch,PC,ANDROID,IOS Package Yes Interface Type USB,bluetooth,2.4G Description Report Item New Brand FLYDIGI FLYDIGI Gaming Controller 100% Orginal,if you have any problems ,please feel free to contactMetaGame's ...