rate that solar energy is converted into organic compounds via photosynthesis over a unit of time- Units: Kcal/m^2/yr Net Primary Productivity (NPP) The amount of energy (biomass) leftover for consumers after plants have used some for respiration Respiration loss (RL) plants use up some of...
APES Test 1 儲存 environment 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 consists of all the living (Biotic) and nonliving things (Abiotic) around us 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Barbara_Pohlen Top creator on Quizlet · 6個月前建立 Monday, September 16th, 2024 NDP
ESS test 18個詞語 lucy_cronk 預覽 GEOG 1111L Lab Exam 1 47個詞語 katymolson10 預覽 Bio Final UNIT 6 54個詞語 Mateo8582 預覽 Review for Friday's Quiz on Earth's Atmosphere 8個詞語 qcc5yfmqkg 預覽 Ecosystems 11個詞語 quizlette79825981 預覽 Ecosystems Test Questions 44個詞語 oliviertynan ...
9th grade history quiz 44個詞語 totally_not_dev 預覽 Quarter 1 project quest 34個詞語 clare_holofchak 預覽 Industrial Revolution Test 老師52個詞語 Olivia19436 預覽 FOR 435 Exam 1 74個詞語 Osrikath 預覽 IaS Unit 1 - From caves to cites 13個詞語 Ines_Haouach1 預覽 PAD FINAL: AGRICULTURAL,...
GEOS TEST 50個詞語 makenziepaiige預覽 Aviation Meteorology 239個詞語 skylar_gertonson預覽 Eyes Wide Open: SET 2 老師8個詞語 MrOrtmayer預覽 Unit 1: Climate and Ecosystems 老師11個詞語 WorldRegionsSS7預覽 bio 15個詞語 penelopesam預覽 FAD: Unit 2 Vocab - Week 8 18個詞語 jonesanah預覽 Fronts ...
Biology Ecology Test 26個詞語 Austin_Leblanc853 預覽 UNIT 4 BIO 38個詞語 Ekostka 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(36) Which of the following best explains why the different warbler species can all have habitants in the same conifer tree? Resource Partitioning Which of the following best explains why onl...
Government ch 1 test 45個詞語 samanthadomingos23 預覽 Evolution of World Order Final Exam 123個詞語 becktay227 預覽 APHG- Unit 2 90個詞語 CarolinevPrice 預覽 World History Rise of Islam and Mongols 15個詞語 nathanmink18 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 crude births-crude...
apes vocab unit 2 22個詞語 Abby_Cole48 預覽 plsc 240 final exam study 248個詞語 Keelyposch 預覽 Bio 109 Ch.19 Ecology 39個詞語 AbrahamM06 預覽 Cropping Systems 18個詞語 Sydni_Mell 預覽 Resource Availability 9個詞語 victoriaod 預覽 Ecosystems!!! 24個詞語 casey_lee145 預覽 Chater 9 key ...
AP Environmental Science Unit 3 老師48個詞語 StoneTheTeacher 預覽 B.4 Identify and distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement contingencies PT2 36個詞語 canterok08 預覽 3.5 Quiz 10個詞語 annachigg 預覽 Sociology Chapter 17: Government and Politics 10個詞語 JOSE_W09 預覽 SAB 1: Quiz ...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like scientific method, biotic factors, abiotic factors and more.