The invention discloses an application protocol data unit (APDU) command processing method, a secure digital (SD) controller and a smart storage card. The APDU command processing method comprises the steps of reading pre-stored data blocks from hiding partitions by the SD controller, judging ...
CommandApdu 获取或设置此 APDU 的命令。 CommandApduBitMask 获取或设置 APDU 命令的位掩码。 InputState 获取并放置输入状态。 OutputState 获取并放置输出状态。 ResponseApdu 获取或设置来自应用程序协议数据单元 (APDU) 的响应。 ShouldMatchLength 获取或设置一个布尔值,该值指示 CommandApdu 和传入命令是否应具有...
Returns the logical channel number associated with the currentAPDUcommand based on the CLA byte. staticAPDUgetCurrentAPDU() This method is called during theApplet.process(APDU)method to obtain a reference to the currentAPDUobject. static byte[]getCurrentAPDUBuffer() ...
commandCLA INF说明 READ BINARY00 B0(6.1) WRITE BINARY command00 D0(6.2) UPDATE BINARY command00 D6(6.3) ERASE BINARY command00 0E(6.4) READ RECORD(S) command00 B2(6.5) WRITE RECORD command00 D2(6.6) APPEND RECORD00 E2(6.7) UPDATE RECORD command00 DC(6.8) GET DATA command00 CA(6.9...
示例1: testReadPhoto ▲点赞 3▼ importjavax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU;//导入依赖的package包/类@TestpublicvoidtestReadPhoto()throwsException{ TerminalFactory terminalFactory = TerminalFactory.getDefault(); CardTerminals cardTerminals = terminalFactory.terminals(); ...
To run theapdutool: Enter the following command (seeTable 9-2for a description of the options): apdutool.bat [-t0] [-verbose] [-nobanner] [-noatr] \ [-d | --descriptiveoutput] [-k] [-ooutput-file] [-hhost-name] [-pport-number] \ [-version] [-mi] [input-file-name] ...
CommandApduBitMask 屬性 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Windows.Devices.SmartCards 編輯 取得或設定 APDU 命令的位元遮罩。 C# 複製 public IBuffer CommandApduBitMask { get; set; } 屬性值 IBuffer APDU 命令的位元遮罩。 適用於 產品版本 WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 1...
SIM卡同时也提供了PIN(Personal Identification Number)码用于加密SIM卡以及PUK(Personal Unblocking Code)码用于解锁PIN码,以确保用户数据的安全。 在2G网络时代,SIM卡包含了硬件跟软件。随着3G移动技术的发展,SIM只是包含了软件,而已经部分则被统一称为UICC(Universal Intergrated Circuit Card),同时为3G网络增加了新的...
Android.Nfc.CardEmulators Assembly: Mono.Android.dll This method will be called when a command APDU has been received from a remote device. [Android.Runtime.Register("processCommandApdu", "([BLandroid/os/Bundle;)[B", "GetProcessCommandApdu_arrayBLandroid_os_Bundle_Handler")] public abstract...
sum += read; read = apdu.receiveBytes((short)0); }while(sum < total);return0; } 開發者ID:crocs-muni,項目名稱:ECTester,代碼行數:19,代碼來源 示例2: GenerateKeyPair ▲點讚 3▼ importjavacard.framework.APDU;//導入方法依賴的package包/類/** ...