APCTAlternate Prism and Cover Test(ophthalmology) APCTAssociation of Painting Craft Teachers(UK) APCTArab Paper Converting and Trading(stock symbol) APCTAdvanced Printed Circuit Technology(Santa Clara, CA) Copyright 1988-2018AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. ...
The Austrian pole climbing test (APCT) was developed as a reliable and valid test for the assessment of general fitness levels in children, adolescents, and young adults. In this cross-sectional pilot study, 677 participants (aged 6 to 19 years) were assessed via the APCT. Subsequently, ...
DIN 6868-161 CBCT Image Quality Test Phantom The QUART DVT_AP phantom is designed to be used as a universal tool for 3D imaging equipment including CT applications. The phantom fully complies with DIN 6868-161 for acceptance tests in CBCT applications. ...
2、c: 41 mhzl1 d-cache 32kb, l1 i-cache 32kb enabled.i2c: readydtt: 1 is 33 cdram: ddr module detected, total size:512mb.512 mb8540 in pci host mode.8540 is the pci arbiter.memory test passflash: flash bank 0: portsize = 2, size = 8 mb in 142 sectors 8 mbl2 cache enable...
对比剂到达时间的判断方式: test bolus V.s Bolus-tracking 两种方法 image.png 后记 结果发现,自己还是在翻译这篇论文,然后在翻译的过程中,发现无法中英模式转换,信达雅不够,不过paper的阅读更注重的是理解。另一个就是论文不错,但内容太多了,翻到后面就不想做了,觉得自己理解了就行。接下来的论文学习、记录、...
Test Conditions IF=20mA F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 1.6 Reverse Current IR 10 - uA VR=5V Capacitance C 90 pF VF=0V;f=1MHz IF=20mA Peak Spectral Wavelength Spectral Bandwidth 940 50 - nm nm λP - IF=20mA ∆λ1/2 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C ...
<HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] url-template name test [HUAWEI-url-template-test] url-parameter user-mac umac sysname test Перевод Коллекция Загрузитьдокумент Обновлено:2024-04-22 №документа:EDOC1100301849 Просмотры:...
(Table4). Applying the t-test for intra-examiner kappa ± SE), the difference between histology and micro-CT was significant (p = 0.005). Inter-observer agreement for histology had an inter-rater kappa coefficient of 0.86. Micro-CT had an inter-rater kappa coefficient of 0.88 (Table4...