APCO ASC Single Body Sewage Combination Sewage Air Valves are a single body, double orifice valve that provides both air release and air/vacuum functions. ASC Valves are designed to emit small volumes of air during normal operating conditions, and ...
The AVV can also be configured as a Dual Body Combination Air Valve with an ARV Air Release Valve. The AVV Dual Body Combination Air Valve combines the functions of both an Air/Vacuum Valve to expel large volumes of air during filling or draining of the pipeline, along with an Air Release...
DeZURIK APCO AVC-140C 150C COMBINATION AIR VALVES DeZURIK, Inc. Sartell, Minnesota USA | Phone: 320-259-2000 | www.dezurik.com |*** APCO AVC-140C/150C COMBINATION AIR VALVES Instruction D12008 June 2014
Air/VacuumValvewith ThrottlingDevice Series140 SlowClosing CombinationAirValve Series1700 ©2011DeZURIK,Inc.2 TheoryandUseofAirValves Engineers:A rR as Va v sanA r/VacuumVa v sar ss nt a compon ntstotota p p n s gn,notacc ssor t ms.W t out ...
The AVR is also available as a 1500AC Combination Valve, with the large orifice Vacuum Relief/Air Inlet Valve opening quickly to prevent a vacuum while the small orifice Air Release Valve regulates a slow discharge of air from the pipeline. ...
API 607 Fire Test Official Certificate- DeZURIK BHP Butterfly Valve pressure equipment directive PED (VPB,RCV,BHP) PED (KGC & KSV) CRN (Canadian Registration Numbers) APCO AVC-145ChasCRN 0C04323.2in the Canadian province of Alberta. Valid until July 30, 2029 ...