BT AG的APC40PRO拿下巴西圣保罗军警订单。 .40sw这个口径有点小众唉。 发布于 2020-12-21 23:47 赞同 11 分享 收藏 写下你的评论... 4 条评论 默认 最新 鉴真 巴西的口径老神奇了,7.62全尺寸ar打巷战 2020-12-22 回复1 ...
Ableton selected Akai Professional as its partner in developing the APC40 because of Akai Pro's leadership position in great-feeling controllers that are rock solid, rugged, and precise. From the legendary MPC series that changed the way music is made to the industry-standard MPD and MPK contro...
Akai ProfessionalAPC40 MKII Pad Controller USB Performance Controller for Ableton Live with 8 Encoders, 9 Faders, 1 Crossfader, and Clip-launch Matrix Rated 5/58reviewsWriteyourreviewItem ID: APC40mk2 Videos View all 8 $349.00 24months
你可以用miniStroke实现一个按钮发送任意快捷键甚至是多个快捷键的目的,当你在Live里干完活,挪到Pro Tools去缩混之后,APC40摇身变成了超级快捷键控制台,还有什么比这个更爽的? 进入miniStroke主页下载(仅有Mac版本)。 用Max/MSP之Monomulator将APC40变成Monome: 图12:Monome Monome已经风靡很久了,这个玩意简单到只有...
A Faux Novation Launchpad Pro Mk3 Control Surface reads that IAC Input and outputs grid info via a second IAC bus into a custom map in the Environment. Still some programming to go, but yes this is 100% Logic Based, and transferable via .cs import and Environment Layer Import. I'll be...
APC40 MKII是时隔5年后重新设计的第二代APC40,在原来的基础上改进,将按钮换成了RGB多彩LED背光,每个通道上方也加入了独立的控制旋钮和独立的按钮来,还有新加入的crossfader,概念跟第一代APC40一样,但更实用,更现代化。 8个通道的控制器,每个通道都有一个旋钮控制声像,5个RGB多彩LED背光的按钮控制clip,1个带背...
Start VirtualDJ andloginwith your Account credentials. A Pro Infinity, Pro Subscription or Plus AKAI APC40 MKII Controller License is required. Detection Window A detection window will appear when the unit is first connected with VirtualDJ, verifying proper...
APC40 MKII是时隔5年后重新设计的第二代APC40,在原来的基础上改进,更加轻薄,请看官方发布的详细操作演示视频。 APC40 MKII官方介绍和使用讲解视频,非常详细的介绍了如何在Ableton Live里使用: 附APC40 MKII的介绍: APC40 MKII是时隔5年后重新设计的第二代APC40,在原来的基础上改进,将按钮换成了RGB多彩LED背光...
Although the APC40 is primarily designed for Live, it still communicates mostly via regular MIDI messages. It's also a class-compliant device, so other apps can see it and use it with no additional installation. I tried it with Reason and Pro Tools. Reason was able to map parameters to ...
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