UPS 充电。5.电池损耗和担保。电池最终会耗尽而无法使用,需要更 换。电池的正常损耗不包括在有限担保范围内。请与 APC 联系购买原厂的 APC 更换用电池模块 (APCRBC)。APC by Schneider Electric IT 全球客户服务 关于具体国家/地区的支持部门,请访问APC by Schneider Electric 网站,。规格 有限担保...
™ User Manual Back-UPS Pro BR 1000/1350/1500 MS - TW Important Safety Information SAVE THESE INSTUCTIONS - This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the Back-UPS and batteries. Read the instructions carefully and look at the equip...
Back-UPSProBR1500RM2U2 Batterysafety •Servicingofbatteriesshouldbeperformedorsupervisedbypersonnel knowledgeableaboutbatteriesandrequiredprecautions.Keep unauthorizedpersonnelawayfrombatteries. •APCbySchneiderElectricusesSealedMaintenance-FreeLeadAcid batteries.Undernormaluseandhandling,thereisnocontactwiththe ...
instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the UPS and batteries. Inventory Connect the Battery The UPS is shipped with the battery disconnected. BX850/1000M/M-LM60 Remove the battery door. Remove the battery. Connect the wire. Back-UPS Pro BX850/1000/1350/1500...
APC Back-UPS Pro® 1000/1050/1100/1400 User's Manual 990-2012F Revision 7 12/03 Installation and Initial Start-Up To obtain warranty coverage, please fill out and return the warranty registration card now. Inspection Inspect the UPS upon receipt. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is...
施耐德APC Back-UPS Pro
6、美国APC UPS电源适用性 ①简单的电池更换-通过快速、轻松地更换电池来提高UPS的可用性。 ②可复位断路器-易于从过载中恢复;无需更换保险丝。(不适用于Wall Tap SKU)。 四、美国APC UPS电源BACK-UPS PRO系列描述 这款APC Back-UPS Pro为您的家庭或企业中的高性能计算机系统、路由器/调制解调器、外部存储设备...
说下买之后才发现的误区,后备式UPS,也就是我这台,空载也是有功耗的,而且机身有一处还持续发热估计是切换模块,这个是一直在工作的,我一直以为后备式UPS没风扇是因为通常情况他基本是不处于工作状态,只有断电时才会工作,而在线式UPS的风扇是因为一直在工作。也就是说后备式UPS空载也有轻微噪音,而且还发热耗电 ...
后再启动 Back-UPS。 F02 ———-电池模式输出短路 关闭 Back-UPS。从电池后备电源插座断开非关键设备的连接,然后再启动 Back-UPS。 F03———- 电池模式电容过载 F04 ———-箝位电路短路 F05———- 充电故障 F06 ———-继电器熔焊 F07 ———...