APC7900系列SwtichPDU使用指南(设备控制方面).pdf 搜索vip 文档名称:APC7900系列SwtichPDU使用指南(设备控制方面).pdf 格式:pdf 大小:0.52MB 总页数:6发布时间:2021-04-13发布于河南 上传者:158***4369下载源文档需要:30金币阅读:76VIP免费下载 您可能关注的文档动物...
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APC Apc Rack PDU (AP7920) 说明书 LASYSTEMS - Brusselsesteenweg 208 - 1730 Asse - Belgium Phone: +32-2-4531312 - Fax: +32-2-4531763 E-mail:*** Apc Rack PDU (AP7920)Rack PDU, Switched, 1U, 12A, 208/230V, (8)C13 Price details: PDF generated on: 31 March, 2010 Price excl...
APC Switched Rack PDU说明书 Home Products P er Distribution Sw Email Technical Specifications Printer Friendly More Images
APC 7900系列Swtich PDU 使用指南(设备控制方面) 热度: 相关推荐 LASYSTEMS-Brusselsesteenweg208-1730Asse-Belgium Phone:+32-2-4531312-Fax:+32-2-4531763 E-mail:info@lasystems.be ApcBasicRackPDU(AP9565) RackPDU,Basic,1U,16A,208/230V,(12)C13 Pricedetails: PDFgeneratedon:4June,2012 Priceexcl.VA...
Connect cable using the the battery cables Bat+ and Set the top PDU breaker to the OFF position. provided screw Bat÷ and the N cable in the Using a torx screwdriver, remove the four M4 screws from the top (earth symbol designated areas. Connect plate of PDU. Remove plate....
本产品的加工定制是是,品牌是APC,型号是AP8858EU3,额定电流是16(A) 所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 机柜插座本页链接:http://product.11467.com/info/3386679.htm PDU施耐德PDU APC机柜挂式AP8858EU3 PDU电源分配器20位带LCD显示的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT 关于...
APC 开关式架架PDU说明书 Switched Rack PDU Rack PDU, Switched, 1U, 15A, 100/120V, (8)5-15 Standard Lead Time : Usually in Stock APC Switched Rack PDU , Input: 120V , Input Connections: NEMA 5-15P , Cord Length:12 feet ( 3.66 meters ) , Output: 120V , Output Connections: NEMA...
APC NetShelter Switched Rack PDU, 1U, 1PH, 3.7kW 230V 16A or 3.3kW 208V 16A, 8 C13 outlets,C20 cord AP7921B Overview Presentation This APC Switched Rack PDU power distribution unit has a wide range of standardized PDU features that increase network efficiency, manageability and functionality...
APC的PDU可远程控制电源管理AP7585特价优惠的文档下载:PDFDOCTXT 关于深圳市事必成电子有限公司商铺首页|更多产品|联系方式|黄页介绍 主要经营:UPS电源 深圳市事必成电子有限公司是一家安全、防护的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。主营UPS电源,公司位于中国广东深圳市福田区深圳市福田区中航路都会100大厦B座14N...