识[J].中国急救医学,2016,36(2):97-107.monocytesofasthmaticpatients[J].PostepyDermatolAlergol,2020, [9]RespiratoryBranchoftheChineseMedicalAssociation.Guidelines37(1):61-65. fordiagnosisandtreatmentofcommunityacquiredpneumonia[J].[19]Mierzchała-PasierbM,Lipińska-GedigaM,LewandowskiŁ,etal.Al- Chi...
immune cells suggests the involvement of IL-33 in the pathogenesis of a wide range of diseases8, including asthma, rheumatoid, arthritis and atherosclerosis. Several studies document upregulation of IL-33 in the inflamed colonic mucosa of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)9,10,11,12,...
The beneficial effects of olive leaves or different preparations (e.g., infusions, extracts) have a several-century-long tradition and have been used for the treatment or to alleviate the symptoms of many diseases (such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, and bronchial asthma), and are...
Beta-blockers are excellent drugs. They're cheap and effective; feature prominently inhypertension guidelines; and remain a sine qua non forcoronary artery disease,myocardial infarction, andheart failuretreatment. They've been around forever, and we know they work. Good luck finding an adult medic...
an obvious oversimplification. The impact on exercise and the heart will vary by dose and drug (eg,atenololvsmetoprololvscarvedilol, and so on). Beta-blockerscan also affect the lungs, and we're still debating how cautious to be in thepresence of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...