这个信号是针对写而言的,读的话无所谓。 四、APB的interface 1、一主多从的APB Interconnect 这种情况下Interconnect和mux没有本质区别,所以很多情况下直接叫它APB mux或者APB slave mux。具体到实际的SoC设计中大概长下面这样子,可以看到它只有一个Master,AHB2APB的转接桥。同时有多个Slave模块。这也是我们在SoC中最...
APB interface APB interface APB的interface如上图所示,其中灰色的信号为可选信号。 地址总线:仅有一个地址总线,不一定与数据总线对齐,其结果不可预测 数据总线:两个独立的bus(读数据和写数据),位宽保持一致,因为没有独立的握手信号,读写不能同时发生 三 时序 1 写传输 ①没有写等待状态 Write tranfer with ...
APB(Advanced Peripheral Bus),外围总线的意思。该总线协议是ARM公司提出的AMBA总线结构之一,几乎已成为一种标准的片上总线结构。几个版本差异如下: AMBA 2 APB Specfication:定义最基本的信号interface, 读写transfer, APB bridge, APB slave. AMBA 3 APB:增加定义信号PREADY, PSLVERR来完成对wait state和Error rep...
The invention discloses a multichannel frequency acquisition circuit with an APB interface.The multichannel frequency acquisition circuit comprises the APB interface which is integrated in an SoC system to form a universal IP module, an internal storage, a programmable counter/timekeeper, multiple ...
APB是Application Binary Interface的缩写。关于APB的具体含义和用途,下面进行详细的解释:一、基础定义 APB主要是指应用程序二进制接口。在计算机技术和软件开发中,接口通常是一种规范或协议,它定义了不同软件组件之间如何通信和交互。而二进制接口则涉及到以二进制形式进行数据交换和通信的接口标准。二、...
//-- apb interface output reg [CMD_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] paddr_o , output reg pwrite_o , output reg psel_o , output reg penable_o , output reg [CMD_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pwdata_o , input [CMD_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prdata_i , input pready_i , ...
Real-Time Clock with APB InterfaceOverview The RTC-APB core implements a real-time clock (RTC) and calendar facility together with an alarm function. To keep track of time of day the core uses a series Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) counters that count time and date with an accuracy of 1...
The Timer-APB core is a 32-bit counter/timer with an APB interface that can be used to schedule periodic tasks, and can act as a high precision time reference. The timer supports three modes of operation: One-shot, auto-restart and continuous. In one-sh
//-- apb interface output reg [CMD_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] paddr_o , output reg pwrite_o , output reg psel_o , output reg penable_o , output reg [CMD_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pwdata_o , input [CMD_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] prdata_i , input pready_i , input pslverr_i); ...
//Interface部分接口是用于和自定义功能模块的接口寄存器即系统和模块之间交互桥梁。status32和status16全部为只读,control32和control16可读可写。 代码语言:javascript 复制 wire apb_write=psel&penable&pwrite;wire apb_read=psel&~pwrite; apb_write和apb_read是为了满足APB协议做的读写控制,具体可以查阅APB...