q=1000+main+campus+drive,+lexington,+ma&hl=en&sll=40.74555,-73.991289&sspn=0.008974,0.022509&oq=1000main+campus+drive&gl=us&hnear=1000+main+campus+dr,+lexington,+massachusetts+02421&t=m&z=16&iwloc=a 2/2 1204 $182 https://compassfurnishedapartments.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/80000000lwef...
Vault-Tec lunchbox - In the southeast corner room, on the first floor, on the shelves near the TV. Four mine variants - On the second floor in a box, left of the chemistry table. Racetrack advertisement - In the room to the right when entering from the south, on a TV. ...
Near San Jose in California's Silicon Valley, Santa Clara is home to many technology companies including Intel, home of the Intel Museum, a wealth of information about decades of innovation. Family fun abounds at California's Great America Park, as well. Nearby Cupertino High School is ranked...