NOTE: While taking screenshots for this mod, I realized that there is still much to do, in particular the painting of the walls in the Kitchen, Frank's room. stairway, and a couple wooden desks, and the ceiling, so don't be surprised to see another update to this soon. ...
Furriest GTA Member 2017 PostedMay 19, 2018 On 5/19/2018 at 1:15 PM, Happy Hunter said: I haven't been around so much - been a bit all over the place - but I'll try be more regular in these games. Big thanks to Amy for getting them set up swiftly as always. I think of h...
3DM创意工坊 为3DM论坛自发组织成立的一个致力于创作各类游戏包括上古卷轴5、辐射4、GTA5等MOD爱好者组织...
3DM创意工坊 为3DM论坛自发组织成立的一个致力于创作各类游戏包括上古卷轴5、辐射4、GTA5等MOD爱好者组织, 前身为3DM论坛几大MOD组,包括大家熟悉的哗哗MOD组、中箭MOD组、屠龙MOD组,在这里面集聚了各种热爱制作研究MOD的玩家。 如果你对做MOD有兴趣,对游戏有专研的热情,哪怕只是初学者,或者是个有热情的MOD转帖、...
E. 33..MMeetthhooddss aanndd IInnssttrruummeennttss TThhiiss ssttuuddyy iiss bbaasseedd oonn aa mmiiccrroommeetteeoorroollooggiiccaallmmeeaassuureremmenent tananddpprorgongonsotsicticmmodoedletlotoasasessssess ththeerrmmaallppeerrcceeppttiioonn.. RReeggaarrddlleessss ooff tthheeddiivveer...