Most popular scams that are reported on craigslist :1. Craigslist apartment rental scamsScammers are too clever and know that there is huge demand for apartment rental service in New York City. Scammers use this in a bait and switch strategy and scam users of thousands of dollars in the ...
So far there are individual European craigslists only for Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin, but be sure to rifle through the craigslists of major US cities, too—doesn't matter if you live there or not—because lots of folks post rental ads for their Paris apartment on the Craigslists for ...
CraigslistConsidered by many to be the original rental website, Craigslist not only still exists but can be a valuable tool for savvy sleuths searching for a sweet deal. Since owners and some property owners can post directly for free, there are literally hundreds of listings. Users ca...
Horror stories like this abound. Craigslist is overflowing with ads for apartments that don’t exist, in facta study found more than a third were scams. Bait-and-switch brokers sucker clients in with promises of spaces that have already been rented, then try to upsell them on a different l...