Once you feel comfortable with the property, the landlord and the terms and conditions of the lease, it's time to make sure you meet the qualification requirements for your new home. Although the rental application forms vary, they will generally involve similar steps. Take a look at the doc...
Before beginning any work, you should always seek guidance from the strata association/body corporate. Take the time to gain as much of an understanding as possible of the legal requirements of strata renovations in your region. Regional strata rules Stata title propertiesfollow regional rules. To ...
In summary, a building permit means that a new building meets the requirements set in the detailed development plan and the requirements of the Planning and Building Act. This implies that the municipality can control the number of building permits (even if no building permit caps are used) and...
A more detailed study on possible shading options was not performed within the project frame due to the policy of the Rental Housing Company in Växjö not to have any movable shading devices. Figure 2. Annual peak load, space heating demand and maximum summer indoor temperatures with ...
Step 3—The constructive critique:The scribble is visual critiqued; some elements are visually tested. The designer performs a kind of informal cognitive task analysis, executing a series of visual queries to determine if the design meets requirements. As part of the process, new meanings may be...
Many of these structures no longer meet the needs of modern lifestyles, or requirements of technological progress and environmental sustainability (Serrano-Lanzarote et al. 2016; Guerra-Santin et al. 2017). There are various political choices to tackle the issues of such estates for application in...
Achieving the project's goal will require establishment of construction technology requirements and surmounting of several social barriers, with people actively engaged and trained throughout the process. 17.2 The Smart City Approach Although the Smart City concept has no single definition (Angelidou ...