A guide to the Lot Traits in The Sims 4, with base game selectable traits and City Living Apartment-only
When you are on the world map, is there any type of icon over the lot? Like a green or orange triangle with an exclamation point in it. Hope this helps. Like 0 Reply About The Sims 4 Mods & Custom Content Community Highlights Mod & CC Issues: START HERE luthienrising Hero+2 months...
In the Sims 4 I made a bar that has an apartment-like living arrangement on the second floor. Is there a way or will there ever be a way to make the bar function as a community lot (have npc's come to enjoy the bar when open and leave when closed, hire employees, etc.) yet ...
Before placing the lot I recommend to input following code: bb.moveobjects Origin ID (Gallery) : MarmeladArt Download (Tray file) :https://drive.google.com/file/d/17hJv6bpLu_O1UG8hdx7nuDoDN843IJdX/view 展开更多发现《Kundalini Rising》 游戏 单机游戏 YOUTUBE 速建 SIMS4 模拟人生4 YOU...
What do you expect to see?Sims don’t walk into a residential lot uninvited. Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods?Never used. Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system?Yes ...
giovaleska05 to Bluebellflora4 months ago Hi! I tried your steps but sadly that didn't work as well. I chatted with the help as well but nothing worked. In the meanwhile I also tried to move The Sims 4 folder onto my desktop and with a new saving file I could modify the ...
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Have your Sim live in an apartment in San Myshuno. Set the Game Camera to Sims 3 Style and the wall cutaway view. What happens when the bug occurs?The interior walls of your apartment are cut away and you can see the walls in your neighbo...
Hi! I know this topic has shown up a lot, but the solutions I have found either seem outdated, or didn't work for me.So, my problem is: The game doesn't... - 8651475
Chem Beaker in my apartment hallway! Any ideas how to get rid of it? Tried everything. Pretty annoying. About The Sims 4 Technical Issues - Consoles
I then saved this room with all windows deleted into my library and then went back to the apartment and placed the room into the apartment, and the window re-appeared. So... Nothing I tried worked. I did find this chat about it on Redit:https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/18gt...