Once you finish the outside, open the toilet and spray down the inside of the lid and the top and bottom of the seat. Spray the rim on the top and sides. Last, sprinkle some baking soda (or your favorite commercial toilet cleaner) into the toilet and use a toilet brush to clean all...
Move-in Checklist:Should the lessor accept a security deposit, the tenant must complete the checklist within five (5) days of moving in. Authorized Agent:The landlord must provide the name and address of the property’s authorized agent. ...
Move-In Checklist: Upon moving in, the landlord must notify the tenant of their responsibility to report any existing issues with the property. The tenant has a five (5) day window to provide the landlord with a list of necessary repairs, ensuring they won’t be held accountable for these...
The main thing to know about the US is that you require a credit rating/score to pretty much do anything, but we're here to help with all the rest.
Many of the BIG commercial dairies cleaniless leaves a lot to be desired, since they expect the pasteurization process to “cover a multitude of sins.” However, if it is a family farm, and they are selling milk specifically for raw consumption, I’m betting you’ll be ok. It’s jus...
(Move-in Checklist):Either the landlord or the tenant must complete this form. It’ll ensure that a proper report is made to accurately calculate any potential damages made by the tenant upon vacating the premises. This report must be done within seven (7) days of moving into the property...